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Customsing product add to basket


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Has anyone setup or can recomend a way to implement "Buy One Get One Free" on a oscommerce store??


It doesn't have to be anything fancy, simply a method for each time a person adds a product to the basket they get the same product for free.





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No idea on implementing buy one, get one free, but you could just as easily put those products 50% off. Practical solution; same result.



"buy one, get one free" is a way to get you to buy 2, when you only wanted one. It's a good sales scheme. There would be a higher chance of the customer buying two rather than one. If everything was 50% off, I would by everything I needed, and have extra cash in my pocket. If everything was 2-4-1, I would buy everything I needed, but have it in doubles and thought I just got the best deal ever... less cash in my pocket though.


this would be an interesting mod for osCom. I looked in the contributions, and did not find this exactly. I think I would use it myself if there was one.


Closest thing I found was the Quantity Price Breaks mod, I bet this contribution could be changed into 2 for 1 somehow.

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