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Focus the cursor in Search field


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I've already found that info on the web. The code is very simple, something like:


<form ... name="myform">

<input name="myfield" ...>



<script type="text/javascript">




Actualy, the problem is that I just don't know what is the name for "myform" and "myfield" as regarding to the quick search field of OsCommerce.




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I've already found that info on the web. The code is very simple
Then you are not formulating your questions clearly enough :)
Actualy, the problem is that I just don't know what is the name for "myform" and "myfield" as regarding to the quick search field of OsCommerce.
A "view source" on the index page should tell enough:

	<td align="center" class="boxText"><form name="quick_find" action="http://yoursite/advanced_search_result.php" method="get"><input type="text" name="keywords" size="10" maxlength="30" style="width: 95px"> <input type="image" src="includes/languages/english/images/buttons/button_quick_find.gif" border="0" alt="Quick Find" title=" Quick Find "><br>Use keywords to find the product you are looking for.<br><a href="http://yoursite/advanced_search.php"><b>Advanced Search</b></a></form></td>

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Thanks! Now adding the following lines to search.php, afte the last ?>, put the currsor in the search field:


<script type="text/javascript">






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