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Catalog product images not displaying


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I am starting to add products and images by way of the admin site. After adding the images I can see them with no problem via the admin site. But when I go to the main catalog site and search on a new product that I have just added, the image isn't being displayed. The product description is available but the image isn't. Initially I thought it was a permission thing but it wasn't. I also thought it should matter where the location of the image is because it is displaying by way of the admin site. At the admin site I pointed it to the location where my images are located. Am I forgetting something. Does the catalog require the images to be in a certain location? Any help is greatly appreciated.

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I figured out the problem. It seems as if the catalog looks for all its images in the same image directory. So the answer to my problem is to keep all images consolidated or change the code to look elsewhere. Thanks anyway.

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