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Meta Tag Help - Getting Desperate!


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This has been a pretty frustrating experience.


I am coming in on a project following up for another developer who is no longer available for questions or consultation. I know VERY little about osCommerce though I am very familiar with other shopping carts and the process, etc. For the life of me, I cannot get the META tags to show up on ANY product pages, category pages or even the home page.


In the admin section, I go to Header Tags and then Text Control. I cannot make heads or tails of anything there though I do know that the page titles are all red and I have figured out that that is bad. How it is bad or how to fix it doesn't appear to be in any of the documentation and the search function for these forums does not allow words like "no" or "on" so it makes searching for this subject very challenging, to boot.


The title of our site appears as the title of every page - which is fine (not great, though) - but there are no META tags anywhere to be found. No Keywords, no Descriptions, just the CHARSET. I have set values for these fields on each product page and I am sure that there is a simple switch to flip... but I am not finding it.



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It would be nice to know which Meta Tag contribution you have installed.


This is code from my index.php:

html <?php echo HTML_PARAMS; ?>>


<?php require(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'meta_tags.php'); ?>

<title><?php echo META_TAG_TITLE; ?></title>

<meta name="description" content="<?php echo META_TAG_DESCRIPTION; ?>" />

<meta name="keywords" content="<?php echo META_TAG_KEYWORDS; ?>" />

<base href="<?php echo (($request_type == 'SSL') ? HTTPS_SERVER : HTTP_SERVER) . DIR_WS_CATALOG; ?>">

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="stylesheet.css">

You need to find the code that looks similar to this and post it.

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How do I find these programs? Google Search!

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It would be nice to know which Meta Tag contribution you have installed.

Interesting. I was beginning to suspect that I needed to add a "Contribution" but one would think that Meta tag generation would be built in to any good shopping cart program. Who knew?


This is code from my index.php:


You need to find the code that looks similar to this and post it.


Yeah... mine is missing the call to the hack file (meta_tags.php). I suppose it is back to Contributions to pick a good one. Which would you suggest?


Also, will I be able to utilize the tag data I put into each product page when I added each product or have I wasted that time?

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Interesting. I was beginning to suspect that I needed to add a "Contribution" but one would think that Meta tag generation would be built in to any good shopping cart program. Who knew?

Yeah... mine is missing the call to the hack file (meta_tags.php). I suppose it is back to Contributions to pick a good one. Which would you suggest?


Also, will I be able to utilize the tag data I put into each product page when I added each product or have I wasted that time?



it sounds as you already have a contribution installed if you have header tags in admin aswell as meta info fileds in the add product screen of the admin.


most lily you have an incorect installed version of header Tags Controller , look it up in the contributions section

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it sounds as you already have a contribution installed if you have header tags in admin aswell as meta info fileds in the add product screen of the admin.


I have:


Date Available

Products Manufacturer

Products Name

Tax Class

Product Price (Net)

Product Price (Gross)

Products Description


And then below that a section for Meta Tag Information:

Product Title Tag

Product Description Tag

Product Keywords Tag.


Finished by







Are these not the standard "Add a Product" items on others' pages?


most lily you have an incorect installed version of header Tags Controller , look it up in the contributions section

I'll check this out.


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Progress has been made. Two of the words in Header Tag - English (in Admin section) are now black. Still no Meta tags but this seems like progress.


Much of the hack did not exist in index.php and product_info.php. Still adding...

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Progress has been made. Two of the words in Header Tag - English (in Admin section) are now black. Still no Meta tags but this seems like progress.


Much of the hack did not exist in index.php and product_info.php. Still adding...


In case anyone else runs into this same problem, Header Tags Controller is what has been added and conversation on what the hell is wrong with my store has proceeded with the Contribution's creator, Jack_mcs. http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/index.php?sho...815&st=3080


Fingers crossed...

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