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Paypal not passing back osCsid


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I am just starting to use oscommerce and everything has been going fine until now. I am having an issue when i use the standard Paypal payment module. When I checkout using paypal, i am directed to the paypal screens. The paypal "Cancel and return to merchant" button works fine. It directs me back to my website and passes the oscsid value. However, when I pay on the paypal screen and make it to the "thank you" screen, the "Return to Merchant" button does sends me back to the checkout_process.php page, but the oscsid valuedoesnt make it in the url. When i do a view source on the Paypal thank you page, i can see that the url it is using includes the oscsid and value, but when paypal redirects to the checkout_process.php page, the oscsid is not included in the url. I am currently developing so I am not usng SSL. Does anyone have any idea why the oscsid is not included in the url even though i can see that it should be there from paypal? Thanks!

Edited by apollo74
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OK. so i think i found that the Paypal form it uses to redirect back to the checkout_process.php page from the final "thank you" page is a GET form. So any query string on the URL (like osCsid=...) is removed. SO the question is, how can you set the return value for paypal with a querystring to pass back the oscsid?

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