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Adding Modules


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I have Startlogic web hosting services and am using OS Commerce as the cart. I would like to add the Paypal Direct Payment module to it but don't know how.


Is there any place I can find a tutorial or anything?



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Paypal is already in the Modules. You just have to turn it on.




I have the regular Paypal on, but was going to get the Express Checkout or Direct Payment one as that is what I use for credit card processing.


I have the module I just don't know how to get it installed.



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Inside the Mod you downloaded, there should be a "read me" or "install" file. These tell you how to install.


If what your asking is that you have read these and dont understand what it is saying then you need to do as what all us newbies do.


BACKUP! Then have a go!


Its all learning and all trial and error. It can be a bit daunting but if you have a go and get into trouble, there are a lot of very helpful people here that may be able to help you.


Hope this helps you a little



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You need to download the 0.8.2 version as the 0.8.3 is a beta version and for testing only. Inside the 0.82 version are all the instructions and more. Below is just part of the installtion guide assuming this is the mod you are talking about - PayPal Pro Direct Payments & Express Checkout.


I suggest you read all the read me file and not just what is pasted below.



Installation Instructions



Do a complete backup of your store and database before installing this!


STEP #1 - Get your API Certificate and Login Information

Goto My Account -> Profile.

Click the API Access link.

Click the API Certificate Request link.

Complete the certificate request.

Click on download and save the file to your computer.


STEP #2 - Copy all new files and directories over













STEP #3 - Update database

Import the file "paypal_wpp.sql" into your database using phpMyAdmin.


STEP #4 - Edit existing files

Each included file has changes that need to be copied to your new store. You can either open each file and copy the changes over by hand, or use a program like BeyondCompare to make the changes. All code additions have been marked with:


//---PayPal WPP Modification START ---//

//---PayPal WPP Modification END ---//


STEP #5 - API certificate

Upload your API certificate that you downloaded from PayPal to:



STEP #6 - Enable and Configure Module

Go into your Administration section -> Modules -> Payment and enable the "PayPal Direct Payment" module.

Click "Edit" and configure the module for your store. Refer to the configuration section if you have any questions about a certain option.

Click "Update" and you're done. Assuming everything's installed properly, and the planets are aligned correctly, it should start processing your cards automagically.


STEP #7 - Test your installation

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