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The e-commerce.

Limit access to category/product (special customers only ...)

Hic Leones

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Good morning and a happy, healthy, and successful One !


I deal with the following situation:

Middlemen at trade fairs distribute -special price coupons- listing one "password" which entitels the customer to buy a product (later, online) at a special price.


Current (non-perfect) solution:

The product is displayed in a special category (with special price and referring to the trade fair) and it is mentioned that this order needs a "password".



There are customers, who make this order (but have not been at the trade fair and neither know the "password"). This causes hassle to change the order and irritates the customer.



What would be the best/easiest way to limit access (via a real password) to a specific category ?

I have searched the contributions but only found an "Adults only" Module. Could this be the solution (after modification?).


I'd very much appreciate your suggestions !



Hic Leones

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