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Need a little advice on running Local


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I have searched the forums and tried many different things but as yet no solution so I am asking directly.


I have a working website using OSC which took me quite a while to get going but it has been running for a few months now quite nicely. I realised that adding contributions to a live website is a bad thing and very risky so I backed up my entire website to my local machine and installed Xmapp.


I have imported a copy of my live db using PHPmyadmin no problems and Apache/MySQL is running fine, I can see it in http://localhost.


I moved my website which is under the catalog directory to D:\XMAPP\xampp\htdocs so now I enter http://localhost/catalog but I get the common error message below:

"Server Requirement Error: register_globals is disabled in your PHP configuration. This can be enabled in your php.ini configuration file or in the .htaccess file in your catalog directory"


Now I have php.ini in the root dir and everywhere else needed as I had to do it to get my original site working so why isn't it working here?


my .htaccess file has it set to 1 and uncommented as well. I thought I may have to do the same for a root php.ini or htaccess file but I can't see any to do it to.


Can someone please advise as to what the problem may be seeing that this is a copy of a working site and not a new install?




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I have searched the forums and tried many different things but as yet no solution so I am asking directly.


I have a working website using OSC which took me quite a while to get going but it has been running for a few months now quite nicely. I realised that adding contributions to a live website is a bad thing and very risky so I backed up my entire website to my local machine and installed Xmapp.


I have imported a copy of my live db using PHPmyadmin no problems and Apache/MySQL is running fine, I can see it in http://localhost.


I moved my website which is under the catalog directory to D:\XMAPP\xampp\htdocs so now I enter http://localhost/catalog but I get the common error message below:

"Server Requirement Error: register_globals is disabled in your PHP configuration. This can be enabled in your php.ini configuration file or in the .htaccess file in your catalog directory"


Now I have php.ini in the root dir and everywhere else needed as I had to do it to get my original site working so why isn't it working here?


my .htaccess file has it set to 1 and uncommented as well. I thought I may have to do the same for a root php.ini or htaccess file but I can't see any to do it to.


Can someone please advise as to what the problem may be seeing that this is a copy of a working site and not a new install?





OK I got that sorted and then managed to change all links that were pointing to my actual domain to now use localhost so all local files are used.


I have another issue now, I cannot access admin. I keep getting:


The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request. Either the server is overloaded or there was an error in a CGI script. ERROR 500


Any ideas? I am almost there I can feel it!

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finally got past that by deleting both .htaccess files so now I can see the very first admin screen but when I select any option from that screen I get this error:


Localhostd cannot connect to server


Can someone please help with this issue?

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