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The e-commerce.

Cannot edit payment modules


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I have spent the day setting up my osCommerce site and it's been going great! Got SSL working correctly, added some select contributions, and life is good!


The final problem I have not been able to solve is that I cannot edit the details on payment modules. Using the built-in PayPal module as an example - I can "install" it (From the admin), but when I "edit" the information (such as email account name, default order status, etc) and click "update" the page refreshes but none of the info is updated.


I tried installing the new PayPal IPN contribution just to make sure it wasn't something fluky with the embeded oscommerce modules and the same problem happens.


Could it be a permissions issue? Or something else? Can someone provide a direction I should head to try to fix it? Or, if you know of some reading on the issue please post it!


Assuming I cannot get the stuff to edit via the gui, where would I edit this info manually?


Thanks in advance for your help. Crossing my fingers I'm not overlooking something obivious...


Happy New Year,



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includes/functions/comptability.php (in admin and catalog) find:

// $HTTP_xxx_VARS
// Ie, products attributes
function do_magic_quotes_gpc(&$ar) {
if (!is_array($ar)) return false;

while (list($key, $value) = each($ar)) {
if (is_array($ar[$key])) {
} else {
$ar[$key] = addslashes($value);


replace with:

// $HTTP_xxx_VARS
// Ie, products attributes
function do_magic_quotes_gpc(&$ar) {
if (!is_array($ar)) return false;

while (list($key, $value) = each($ar)) {
if (is_array($ar[$key])) {
} else {
$ar[$key] = addslashes($value);



or change the lower part :)

"If you're working on something new, then you are necessarily an amateur."

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That fixed it!


Thanks so much for the assistance!


If you get time, would you mind sharing a quick explanation of how you knew *that* woudl fix it? I see the change in code, it appears that it is forcing a reset of the module. Cool!


Thanks again,


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