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Defining URL to Proiduct Image?


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Hi all,


I've spent a couple of hours trying to figure this out, and I just cannot come up with a solution. When I create a new product, how do I define where the image for that product is to be found? When I click the browse button I get my local hard drive directory. I thought at first that I would get my server's directory, drill down to the image and select it and that would do it. That doesn't work, of course.


Next I thought maybe the "Product URL" was for the image. That also doesn't seem to do it. I have uploaded all the images I want to use. Now I want to connect them to my product entries. Would some one be so kind as to explain how this is done.


Jerry Nielsen

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Would some one be so kind as to explain how this is done.


The images are normally uploaded when u add the product. Since you have already ftp'd all of your images to the server the easiest way would be to add the image name using phpmyadmin.

Mark Evans

osCommerce Monkey & Lead Guitarist for "Sparky + the Monkeys" (Album on sale in all good record shops)



Software is like sex: It's better when it's free. (Linus Torvalds)

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Thanks so much. I never even thought to try that. Duh! Every time I use this software I am amazed at how elegantly you guys have put it together. It's really fine work. Most of the time I can tell just from the interface what it is I am supposed to do. I thinks that's really careful, well designed development.


Jerry Nielsen :P

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looks to me you are having the same problem I am having.


you should be able to preview the images in admin


and then when you update or insert they are actuall uploaded.


try a couple and then look with your ftp and see if they are there.


if so, check the permissions. I'll bet they upload as 700.

change the permissions to 644 and you will see them.

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If you manually upload the images where you want them, and add the path to the image setting in the database this should technically work.


Look at how the demo products are done.


You would have a directory like /catalog/images/test set to 777 FTP your images there then in the products section you need to type in:



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i don't think i have been clear ....


doesn't matter if I use admin to upload,

upload via ftp then do the insert (by the way I make sure the permissions are 644...I have even tried 777)


as soon as I hit update or insert the permissions become 700

and I have to go back and change them again.


to expect a client to do this is a bit much....

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I believe I have solved the image upload fiasco we have been struggling with.


working on another project...the solution was to set image size to

0x0 in both small and medium


viola! no more permission problems, preview ok

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