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Unable to update default.php


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Hello All,

Just installed sept 26 cvs for 2.2

install process went without a hitch...secured my admin site with htaccess, etc.


but now when I am in the admin, and i add all the settings like, store name, owner etc, NOTHING gets updated on default.php


..and thats another thing, when i type in www.mystore.com/catalog/ I get either a dir listing or a 404 Error, even when i click on the goto catalog button in the admin section, it takes me to www.mystore.com/catalog/ with a 404 Error


temp fix: created a redirect page, called it index.html

as well, contacted my Host, to edit the httpd.conf file to add default.php


i do realize that i can edit some file in the catalog/includes/language/english dir to make these config changes, but i want things to be updated via the Admin...


any ideas folks?

thanks in advance


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I am having the exact same issues... default.php doesn't update...Also, my host has default.php listed in the httpd.conf and it still gives the directory listing.

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ok here it is:



i re-checked all permission settings, the catalog dir and default.php is 755


tried talking to my host provider and they suggested the folowing:



Try a symbolic link if you can't rename the file (default.php). You can

also use mod_rewrite to perform a transparent redirection --

look at http://httpd.apache.org/docs/mod/mod_rewrite.html

for more details.



but still unclear on why default.php is NOT being updated.

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Hey thanks Wil for the help!...


tried what u suggested, get an error in the code:



this is what i typed in, DW, and named the file index.php

i also noticed u placed "http://" twice, in the above post..






<? echo header("Location: http://www.asroma-addict.com/catalog/default.php"); exit; ?>




as well, how come default.php is not being updated?

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trying to update everything...

like owner name, contact name, just started messing with the config settings...

the dir structure is the following...




the admin folder is in the catalog folder...as well, the index.php is in the catalog folder.

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oh... this is my mistake...


i do not want to place the index.php in the root of my web dir, unlike most people the store IS NOT gonna be the main page of my site..it is an already existing site, with structure and the OSC is just an addtion to it.

so placing the index.php in the root is not gonna be good for me.


thanks for the help thus far Wil...anymore ideas?

I am sure others are experincing the same problem

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nothing really gets updated on default.php


all the changes you are talking about are done in admin


and that updates the database.


If you are talking about


if you are talking about the credits and copy @ at the bottom, the logo and greeting and such...those are hard coded html or definitions found in

application_top.php, header.php, footer.php and /includes/languages/*.php

those are

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