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me installl oscommerce-3.0a3 but me see error on footer home page please see my pic





	* This is a development version of osCommerce (osCommerce 3.0a3) - please use it for testing purposes only! [osc_services_debug]
* Number of queries: 10 [0s]
* Execution Time: 0.101s [osc_services_debug]


please reply and help me fast thansk :thumbsup:


This is not an error. It is information as osC 3 is not considered stable enough to be used for a real store.



Rob Bell - Inspired Graphix

Customising osCommerce in Australia, and the world!

View my profile for web and email links.


I'm sorry, but i cannot offer Free support via PM etc, and osCommerce forums prohibit me from putting any reference to paid support in my signauture.

However viewing my profile may provide links to my website or something like that which you may find useful.

me want not show information as osC 3
That is not the point. What Rob is saying is that you cannot use osCommerce alpha3 for a real shop. It is alpha (not even beta) software, development, try-out, not-finished software. YOU CAN NOT USE IT FOR A SHOP.


Besides, for the current version osCommerce 2.2 Milestone 2 Update 060817 there are a couple of thousand contributions available to add or change features in osCommerce. There are none, nil, nada, zero, 0 contributions for the alpha3 version (which makes total sense since it will change, maybe even considerable and nobody is supposed to use it for their shop).


thanks janZ me asked you i can update osCommerce 2.2 Milestone 2 Update 060817 to new version complet osCommerce alpha3 ?

me asked you i can update osCommerce 2.2 Milestone 2 Update 060817 to new version complet osCommerce alpha3 ?
Not now, but when the new version osCommerce 3 is ready there surely will be tools to upgrade from the current version to osC 3.


But first osCommerce 3 needs to be finished. My personal guess is that it will probably take many months, maybe even a year. And then 99% of the contributions will need to be totally re-written for the new version so many people will have to stay with the current version for a lot longer.


osC 3 is totally different (code-wise, not how the shop looks at the moment) from 2.2MS2.


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