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The e-commerce.

Category Tabs V1.1


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great mod,


very helpful for me.


One thing, when I click on the tap above, suddenly, my shopping box cart, drop down to the left. all the box from the right place on the left.


In the main page it is fine, soon you click on those catagory tab, then all the box from the right move down to the bottom of the left.. I have been trying different <tr>, td, ect... but none work. does it in the tab.php file, or in the header.



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The catagory tabs works perfectly and nearly solves a problem I was trying to do a similar thing but not nearly as elegent. Terrific work!


Now my question is: "How do I add tabs that use the names in my information menu?" I only have two catagories


(look http://www.florista-pr.com )


I want the five custom information names to be tabs to the left of my two catagory tabs



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Can this hack be worked around roll over images in the header?

I currently use roll over images, but when I try to replace the code for the roll over image in it doesnt work.


It maybe I am doing it completely wrong.


But if you can offer a quick yes or no I would appreciate it.



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Although the milonic.com code is nice, it should be remembered that it is not GPL.


You will need to pay a fee to use it on a commercial site. at least that's my understanding of their licence conditions.

Trust me, I'm an Accountant.

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Correct Ian.


I hadnt mentioned this as it is down to the user to sort this.

But it is well worth having if you like the look.


Although I am unsure as to the compatibilty of their code with the likes of NS, Mozilla etc...


It is "supposed" to work fine, but hey! So is Win XP!!



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This is an interesting quote from their FAQ:


The menu is free for Non-Profit, Educational & Personal websites as well as incorporating into Open Source Projects. However, you must inform us of your intentions with your URL and number of users, if applicable and we will grant you with a free license and permission to use.


This is also interesting:


Why is the DHTML menu no longer free?


The DHTML Menu was issued to everyone that was prepared to download it and could use it on their website free of charge as long as certain criteria were met.


However, a vast number of users started to remove copyright notices and did not place links on their site back to our site which was part of the free menu deal.


Some of them then had problems with the menu and subsequently asked for help even though they were clearly in breach of our terms.


Some users also DEMANDED that we help them solve their problems as they had spent time incorporating the menu and they dictated that it was their right to use our code.


.. now if that was set here, how many posts would that reduce the forums to? ;)

:heart:, osCommerce

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It depends on whether your attitude is like the Wright Brothers who set back American Aviation ten years (with constant patent fights) or like Curtis who built a better airplane by working with everyone openly (his was the first public flight--the Wright Brothers flew in secret to keep people from seeing their ideas). It wasn't until the war when the U.S. gov. forced the airline companies to abandon their patents that Amercan aviation took-off.


I think cooperative innovation using open source (like you're doing here) is pretty damn exciting and I hope that everyone doing all the work gets some monetary satisfaction along with the well deserved feelings of pride they must already get so that they also feel it is worth while.

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  • 2 years later...

I know it's been a long while since anyone has posted here but I thought it might be worth a stab.


I found a small issue with this contribution. When you have a depth of 3 sub category it spreads along the sub menu with other categories and is confusing what appeared.


Is there anyway to get this to work by hiding the subs and just have the regular category pictures below?


Also I thought it might be cool if you could display just the sub categories of the master category tab in the existing categories box. Anyone taletented enough to do that?






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I made this work with Multi-Stores from Hobzilla on version 1.62Loaded


Down here Category Tabs[/url]http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,1023/


It's over 300k so it's being manually reviewed. Should be up very soon.


Someone want to make it work better with the sub categories, you would rock.





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