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The e-commerce.

[CONTRIBUTION] osC Helpdesk v1.0


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This is an Alpha version of an intergrated helpdesk ticket support system for osCommerce. While the module is based on the latest CVS of osCommerce 2.2, it would be faitly easy to intergrate it into 2.1 or earlier versions of 2.2


Only basic Intergration has been completed at this stage. Full osC intergration will be completed in a future release, however the module will work seamlessly with osCommerce as is.


Unlike some other mods this module has been designed in such a way as to have minimal impact on the osC core files, which allows for easy upgrades as newer versions of the module are released.


Features include:


- Admin is alerted of new ticket submissions via email.

- Customer is sent a copy of lodged tickets via email with information on how to login and track the progress of their ticket.

- Admin and support staff can set ticket status to either New, On Hold or Completed.

- Custmores are alerted via email when a ticket is responded to.

- Customers and staff can re-open tickets and view closed tickets if necessary.


If you find this mod helpful feel free to make a donation via PayPal to the

"Save The Snowman Foundation" ....([email protected])


If you find any bugs please report to [email protected] - or via the Snowtech Script Development forums at http://forums.snowtech.com.au



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Woops ....


Forgot to add the SQL:



CREATE TABLE problems (


  name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,

  email TEXT NOT NULL,

  problem TEXT NOT NULL,

  solution TEXT NOT NULL,

  status TEXT NOT NULL,


  priority TEXT NOT NULL,




CREATE TABLE members (

  username VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,

  password TEXT NOT NULL,

  email TEXT NOT NULL,

  signature TEXT NOT NULL,

  PRIMARY KEY (username)


INSERT INTO helpdesk_members VALUES ('admin','password','[email protected]','Your Name<BR>Technical Support<BR>http://www.yourstore.com');

INSERT INTO configuration VALUES ('', 'Support Email Address', 'SUPPORT_EMAIL_ADDRESS', '[email protected]', 'Support email address', 1, '99', '', '', NULL, NULL);

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Ok ill try that one again....



IMPORTANT: I forgot to add the sql file in the package so you will need to use the following:



CREATE TABLE helpdesk (


  name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,

  email TEXT NOT NULL,

  problem TEXT NOT NULL,

  solution TEXT NOT NULL,

  status TEXT NOT NULL,


  priority TEXT NOT NULL,



DROP TABLE IF EXISTS helpdesk_members;

CREATE TABLE helpdesk_members (

  username VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,

  password TEXT NOT NULL,

  email TEXT NOT NULL,

  signature TEXT NOT NULL,

  PRIMARY KEY (username)


INSERT INTO helpdesk_members VALUES ('admin','password','[email protected]','Your Name<BR>Technical Support<BR>http://www.yourstore.com');

INSERT INTO configuration VALUES ('', 'Support Email Address', 'SUPPORT_EMAIL_ADDRESS', '[email protected]', 'Support email address', 1, '99', '', '', NULL, NULL);



Not enough sleep lately :oops:

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ok call me stupid, dopey sleepy burpy cheesy or just plain dumb but i have found a few tiny bugs with the code i have contributed...


I thought i had them sorted but they are mostly typo's


in the sql file change the first line of the table fields to:




( forgot i had to change it because of a conflict with the $id variable)


in helpdesk_submit.php change all references of








if youre on a diiferent snapshot to me or your breadcrumb causes errors then do the following to helpdesk_submit.php, helpdesk_status.php and helpdesk_reopen.php


In helpdesk_submit.php find:


$location = ' » <a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_HELPDESK_SUBMIT, '', 'NONSSL') . '" class="headerNavigation">' . NAVBAR_TITLE . '</a>';


and change back to:


$breadcrumb->add(NAVBAR_TITLE, tep_href_link(FILENAME_HELPDESK_SUBMIT));


Now do the same for the other two files in the catalog side of the mod replacing FILENAME_HELPDESK_SUBMIT with FILENAME_HELPDESK_STATUS and FILENAME_HELPDESK_REOPEN, respectively


and then for all files find:


<title><?php echo $breadcrumb->trail_title(' » '); ?></title>


and change back to:


<title><?php echo TITLE; ?></title>


This should solve the issuses for almost all users....


I will repackage an improved version when i get a chance...

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I tested your contrib and I LIKE IT! :D :D


however... 8)


It would be nice if the tickets were linked to a customer instead of 'just a name'. This makes it easier for customers to keep track of their submissions. I mean something like 'orderhistory'.


Perhaps you (or someone else, perhaps even me :roll: ) can build a FAQ-extension. Moving a completed helpdesk-submission to the FAQ (perhaps anonymously) where it becomes visible for everyone.


Keep up the good work!



Greetings from Marcel

|Current version|Documentation|Contributions|

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The mod is only an alpha....


I had planned to fully intergrate the module into osC functions once i get a bit of feedback, critisism and some spare time...


I had already planned to add a knowledgebase along with intergrating the system into osC fully so the username/password combo can be used instead...


Its all a matter of time or rather the lack of it....

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Great Mod!


Is there a way, that you can turn it into something like.... In the product_info page, where the user can request a price quote base on that product that are viewing. If there is no price listing, base on Linda many greatist Hit, Call for price :-), that is also a great mod. So we can email them the price, some of the price we cannot show it, just because of the Manufacture not alow to go below the M.A.P price.


I would be very helpful for me If i can turn that mod code into something like Price Quote, and then send them email via Admin.


Just an opinion.



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I have now an Offer Price that could be converted to an Ask for Price if that is any help.


It is stand alone and a new version coming in Free Call for Price v4.0 ... if I ever get the dang documentation done :roll:

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Could this contribution be used for Q and A column ? With split page ? And what type of modifications would be needed ?


I was thinking something like this:


1. Registered customers could ask questions and submit them

2. In admin side these questions could be answered and approved

3. Approved and answered questions would be posted on the catalog side


I was also thinking about same type of things for article and news submissions, maybe with wysiwyg contribution....

"Use no way as way, have no limitation as limitation." - Bruce Lee

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It was only intended to be a basic solution until someone comes along with a better one :wink: :wink:


Thank you :D


I was almost embarrassed :oops: 'cause I'm making a fork of an HelpDesk to osC from a program called TicketSmith but I realize it can't be used with osCommerce 'cause of licensing problems.


Now I'm re-starting a fork from phpHelpDesk and it seems that I will take a few more days (or it will be ready soon :lol: ).


When done it will be posted.


And, my friend, when will be Affiliatte 2.0 ready to pop-up... "Any day soon" I presume :D





8) Lopo

If I helped you, you can help others too.

Search Affero Network. Thanks :)


moving mentalities >> fast forward

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in submit form the priority are well using translation files except button Submit

When displaying result, the priority is in English

the mail receieved always in english

the link in email does not includes the /catalog/ subdirectory but i think i maybe made a mistake when loading sql data ?

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Modif in helpdesk 1.0 from Snowman to see helpdesk statistic in admin panel

Modif admin/index.php pour voir le nombre de ticket helpdesk NEW


result : http://www.itgsm.com/dload-osc/helpdesk/he...statistique.jpg



Change in admin/includes/languages/english/index.php


define('BOX_ENTRY_REVIEWS', 'Reviews:');

after add

define('BOX_ENTRY_HELPDESK', 'Helpdesk:');

for french/index.php

define('BOX_ENTRY_HELPDESK', 'Assistance:');



In Admin/index.php


$customers_query = tep_db_query("select count(*) as count from " . TABLE_CUSTOMERS);

$customers = tep_db_fetch_array($customers_query);

$products_query = tep_db_query("select count(*) as count from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS . " where products_status = '1'");

$products = tep_db_fetch_array($products_query);

$reviews_query = tep_db_query("select count(*) as count from " . TABLE_REVIEWS);

$reviews = tep_db_fetch_array($reviews_query);


Add After

$helpdesk_query = tep_db_query("select count(*) as count from " . TABLE_HELPDESK . " where status = 'NEW'");

$helpdesk = tep_db_fetch_array($helpdesk_query);





$contents[] = array('params' => 'class="infoBox"',

'text' => BOX_ENTRY_CUSTOMERS . ' ' . $customers['count'] . '<br>' .

BOX_ENTRY_PRODUCTS . ' ' . $products['count'] . '<br>' .

BOX_ENTRY_REVIEWS . ' ' . $reviews['count']);



$contents[] = array('params' => 'class="infoBox"',

'text' => BOX_ENTRY_CUSTOMERS . ' ' . $customers['count'] . '<br>' .

BOX_ENTRY_PRODUCTS . ' ' . $products['count'] . '<br>' .

BOX_ENTRY_REVIEWS . ' ' . $reviews['count'] . '<br>' .

BOX_ENTRY_HELPDESK . ' <font color="#ff0000">' . $helpdesk['count'] .'</font>');



Thanks to snowman

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Thank you Snowman!


One tiny little thing I've noticed so far: In the README file it says to login to the admin area as "admin" with the password "admin" however you created the entry in the table with the password of "password" No big deal.... Sorry about the nit.....


I am having trouble with the catalog side however. When I click on "Submit a Ticket" I get only a blank screen. I'm using the 2.2 snapshot from 9/25/2002... Can you give me a nudge in the right direction? I'm sorta stuck on this and wondering if I should replace the snapshot or try a older one....


Thanks for any ideas...

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Ok - I think I have it going now. Here is where I was getting confused:



if youre on a diiferent snapshot to me or your breadcrumb causes errors then do the following to helpdesk_submit.php, helpdesk_status.php and helpdesk_reopen.php


In helpdesk_submit.php find:


$location = ' » <a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_HELPDESK_SUBMIT, '', 'NONSSL') . '" class="headerNavigation">' . NAVBAR_TITLE . '</a>';


and change back to:


$breadcrumb->add(NAVBAR_TITLE, tep_href_link(FILENAME_HELPDESK_SUBMIT));


In the zip file that I downloaded this change was already made. I didn't catch that right away... And so:




and then for all files find:


<title><?php echo $breadcrumb->trail_title(' » '); ?></title>


and change back to:


<title><?php echo TITLE; ?></title>


This should solve the issuses for almost all users....


I will repackage an improved version when i get a chance...


When I did this like you said (this part was not done already) it solved my problems....

Thanks again!

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Hey guy


Anyone know why I am getting errors on the page when I use this mod??


These are the further details:


Line: 618

Char: 2

Error: 'menu' is undefined

Code: 0

URL: mysite/helpdesk_submit.php


I have looked through the code and can only see that in the files it asks for these:


<script language="JavaScript" src="menu.js"></script>

<script language="JavaScript" src="menu_items.js"></script>

<script language="JavaScript" src="menu_tpl.js"></script>


Which I do not have on my site anywhere, so why would it pull them??


Please help if you can.


thanks as always.



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To: Steve and all great group out there!


I'm having three minor details (that I know) with the HelpDesk contribution. I'm using snapshot 09/30/2002


1. At admin section I'm not able to add new users. Always get the error

"The following error occured while processing your input. Here are the details:

Wrong combination of username & password"


regardless whatever I use. However, If I add the user in the Mysql database, I'm able to use it and access with it all other parts in the helpdesk section for admin.



2 error is in catalog:


- In HelpDesk Table:

"Submit a Ticket" links to: http://www.mywebsite.com/catalog/FILENAME_...HELPDESK_SUBMIT

instead of /helpdesk_submit.php

I have checked several times the readme file and done it again, but nothing solve this.


3 error is in catalog too, under HelpDesk Box.

- I also get same error another member said in here for "Check a Ticket". I get a blank page. Nothing on it. I did what you said, but it didn't solve the issue.


Question: Related to the mysql db. You said: "I thought i had them sorted but they are mostly typo's


in the sql file change the first line of the table fields to:




What first line is it?

Is it "id int(255) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT," ?Because I tried to change it and I couldn't I was receiving an error everytime I tried to execute it.



Thanks for the great job!




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oh come off it mscinternet!!


All you need to do is actually read this post and you will find an answer to all those questions!!


I hate to sound off but that really pisses me off when ppl ask questions like that before actually reading the entire post!


Read from the start and you will solve all of those issues.


the only problem I see is with the sql issue.

Just go into the helpdesk table and rename the id to ticket_id. SORTED!


In future read EVERYTHING before posting.



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now now CC calm down :wink:


Um as for the javascript error....just delete the references to that code at the bottom of the files.....


( i didnt even realise that was on there....woops)

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My humble apologies for the outburst.


Been one of those days! Didnt mean to be so rude. :o(


But still the point is the same.

Try to read the FULL post before asking questions.




P.S. Sorry again, I have calmed down now.

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And forgot to say, thanks Steve for the note.


I will do that.


It is a fantastic addon for OSC users.

I love what you have done with it on your snowtech site.



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