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Problems with Sub Categories


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Having a weird problem with sub categories within one particular category not displaying above the Product Listing.


The Navigation bar and Categories box all show the subcategories and the links work.


The admin section shows the subcategories and all seems fine there.


However, it won't display in the main storefront for this particular category.


I've added new sub categories within other main categories and these display fine. I'm stumped.


I've looked at the database and it seems that the relationship to Parent_ID seems okay.


From "categories_description"

Main Category ID = 21

Sub Category1 ID = 26

Sub Category2 ID = 27

Sub Category3 ID = 28


From "categories"

catID parentID

26 . . . 21

27 . . . 21

28 . . . 21


This looks okay to me. Am I missing something ?



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Does anyone feel like having a stab at an idea ?

I know I can reinstall or recreate the categories/sub categories but wondered why it is happening in the first place ... and only in this particular category ?

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