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Loaded Version of osC inserting a random product on checkout


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Hey all..


ok this is the deal.. I configured, and installed the osC (the "loaded" version) and everything seems to work fine expect.....


When I order something. the checkout is complete.. I click confirm.. but when it displays the Product Notifications it adds an extra product which was NOT in the shopping cart. Now if that was the only case I would not mind, but it is adding that "random" product to the order database.. making it seem as though the buyer actually bought that product as well.. Now no price is added to the new product and the order confirming the order, does NOT show that. Account order history does show it though...


Any ideas?


For those who want to test it.. you are more than welcome to check it out at the development server


Thanks all for your help.. as this seems another night without any sleep... :shock:

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Sorry about that.. the issue is I placed a "Test" banner, using HTML, from the provider.. and of course that is NOT gonna be there when the site will be up and running.. ;)

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ok this is the deal.. I configured, and installed the osC (the "loaded" version) and everything seems to work fine expect.....


What is the "loaded version" ????

Mark Evans

osCommerce Monkey & Lead Guitarist for "Sparky + the Monkeys" (Album on sale in all good record shops)



Software is like sex: It's better when it's free. (Linus Torvalds)

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check out the contribution foru.. the thread is called with the same name.. you can find directions on how to download from there.. if that is what you are asking..

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The 'loaded' snapshot is one of my contributions. It was originally an easy wau of providing a 2.2 cvs with my credit class GV mod already installed. The latest incarnation is an August 29 snapshot with 11 contributions pre-installed


Credit Class v3.1

Gift Voucher v3.1

Pollbooth v1.1

Product Listing in Columns

Triple Image Mod.

Administrators v.1.2.2

Review Approval

Alternative Attributes

Featured Products

Default Specials

Categories Descriptions


more details including author credits at www.phesis.co.uk

Trust me, I'm an Accountant.

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