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The e-commerce.

Interfacing with another order system?


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Greetings All!


I'm a newbie to OSCommerce and was wondering if it would fit a specific need.


I am a reseller for an ASP that sells web templates. Their system is such that people actually are quietly redirected to their site to browse their catalog and load stuff into a sort of "temporary cart" over there. Then, when they're ready to check out, in theory, they should be redirected back to a shopping cart on my site where the order/payment is actually completed..


Now, they offer a sort of PayPal interface, where you tell them a couple of variables and everything's plugged into a PayPal link. I don't even think the customer would come BACK to my site with this model. They just hit "checkout via PayPal" over on their site and would go to PayPal with all the customized information fed over.


But I'd like to offer more payment options than just PayPal.


They have a second method, whereby you tell them how to construct a URL that passes the order information directly into your shopping cart.... product name, quantity, price, and a tracking id... are the major variables that one may pass.


Is there some way I can "plug items into OSCommerce on-the-fly" like this? Can I interface OSCommerce with this ASP's system in this manner?


Thank you!!


-= Dave =-

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  • 9 months later...
  • 1 year later...

I am looking for something similar, I have to interface two web sites and I would like to keep using the OSCommerce shopcart, even if the products on one site (in ASP) are not in the OSCommerce Database. Basically i just have to send item# and price to the oscommerce shopcart, and then check out frpm OS Commerce.

Does anyone already made it?



Did you ever find a solution for this problem as I am having the same problem as well?

You can write me at [email protected].



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  • 5 months later...
I am looking for something similar, I have to interface two web sites and I would like to keep using the OSCommerce shopcart, even if the products on one site (in ASP) are not in the OSCommerce Database. Basically i just have to send item# and price to the oscommerce shopcart, and then check out frpm OS Commerce.

Does anyone already made it?



Like wise - I need to just make one of my catagories link to another site. How did you do that?



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