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2 major issues w/ osc - upload images & search


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I'm running into 2 really major issues w/ osc:


1. I am not able to upload images while creating products via the admin tool. I get this error:


Warning: Unable to create '/home/mysite/html/osc/images/picturename.jpg': Permission denied in /home/mysite/html/admin/categories.php on line 307


2. The products search engine simply does not find any products by any criteria - be it manufacturer name, text in the product description, etc.


I am begging for help on these issues... any advice or insight is GREATLY appreciated!!!

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Are these new images or existing images you are trying to upload?


Have you manually uploaded the images before and when trying to overwrite them you get the error msg?


Do you have a URL to peek at on the search issue? Have you touched, modified or changed the search in anyway?


Is this v2.1 or v2.2?


And what is your cat's name? :shock:

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Hi Linda,


Gosh you're fast.


The images are not on the server. I have a client who is not very tech savvy, so I was hoping to spare them having to use FTP... the image uploader would really be a great feature (if it worked!).




Its still in the works, mind you, so please don't judge the soup while its still cooking. 8)

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I'm not a user of version 2.1 but do you really have file names like:




Check and see if there are any images loaded. If they are there, delete them all then try to re-add via admin first.


Does it work?


Now try to FTP them on to the server. Then, try to re-add via Admin. Does it work?


<insert mutters here ... no cats ... allergic to them too ... insert more mutters>

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the double .jpg.jpg was my client... however, when I try to upload a .jpg file from my machine, it still fails.


I'll try sticking it via ftp first, but doesn't that defeat the purpose of using the uploader?


btw, I do really love cats, I just have this histaminal (sp?) reaction to them...

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Well ... as long as you love them :wink:


Yes it does defeat the purpose. The test was to see what is stopping it.


Also, your search almost acts like bad data or indexes or something along those lines. Have you touched it in any way? Or modified the tables in any way?


Example: I can find gram but not stick ... both words are in the same description.


I can find the but not something else. It does not make sense to me either.

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