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FedEx Direct 2.06 Support thread


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I have checked all of the above and Curl is installed so is OpenSSL. I am on goDaddy so I have made sure the goDaddy curl fix is on.

My credit card transactions work fine so I know I can communicate outside the program.


The only wierdness i have noticed is in the behavoir of the shipping module it self. It always shows install. to access the module i have to double click on the fedex line itself. If i click on install nothing happens. I have tried removing the module and reinstalling with the same reults. Could this be a clue of something else wrong?






I was a dumb a** i did not see the mods to configutation.php. I have done them and still get the same results. Could I have damged some other file to make the setup of fedex in the admin page not display corecctly? Also when I remove the module and then re-install fedex1.php the module remember all my settings. Seems like it was never removed.


Looking for a clue B)



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I have checked all of the above and Curl is installed so is OpenSSL. I am on goDaddy so I have made sure the goDaddy curl fix is on.

My credit card transactions work fine so I know I can communicate outside the program.


The only wierdness i have noticed is in the behavoir of the shipping module it self. It always shows install. to access the module i have to double click on the fedex line itself. If i click on install nothing happens. I have tried removing the module and reinstalling with the same reults. Could this be a clue of something else wrong?






I was a dumb a** i did not see the mods to configutation.php. I have done them and still get the same results. Could I have damged some other file to make the setup of fedex in the admin page not display corecctly? Also when I remove the module and then re-install fedex1.php the module remember all my settings. Seems like it was never removed.


Looking for a clue B)



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I was a dumb a** i did not see the mods to configutation.php. I have done them and still get the same results. Could I have damged some other file to make the setup of fedex in the admin page not display corecctly? Also when I remove the module and then re-install fedex1.php the module remember all my settings. Seems like it was never removed.


Looking for a clue B)




yep something is definitely amiss in your files for that behaivor to occur. I seem to recall reading about that behaivor/problem on these forums recently, but not this thread. I would search that out 1st


Then, If it were me I would start using winmerge to compare the files you have changed recently to your backups, and then even to a default osc file to try to pin down your problem. That, or perhaps revert to your pre-fedex backup (you did make one right?!?), make sure modules add and remove properly, then take a clean stab at it.


this fedex module is almost completely module based, with only a few osc edits, assuming you did those properly, I think something else is not right somewhere. There have been several thousand installs of the mod with very few problems reported, so I do not suspect error in the fedex code as the culprit. Keep us informed.


I'll help as I can.


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hey everyone, i have the fedexdirect 2.07 installed....i have NONE under the meter number but i get this on teh front end


No meter number was obtained, check configuration. Error 801A : Invalid phone number - incorrect length

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hey everyone, i have the fedexdirect 2.07 installed....i have NONE under the meter number but i get this on teh front end


No meter number was obtained, check configuration. Error 801A : Invalid phone number - incorrect length


Make sure you have your phone number in the correct format in the module settings


Phone number



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yep something is definitely amiss in your files for that behaivor to occur. I seem to recall reading about that behaivor/problem on these forums recently, but not this thread. I would search that out 1st


Then, If it were me I would start using winmerge to compare the files you have changed recently to your backups, and then even to a default osc file to try to pin down your problem. That, or perhaps revert to your pre-fedex backup (you did make one right?!?), make sure modules add and remove properly, then take a clean stab at it.


this fedex module is almost completely module based, with only a few osc edits, assuming you did those properly, I think something else is not right somewhere. There have been several thousand installs of the mod with very few problems reported, so I do not suspect error in the fedex code as the culprit. Keep us informed.


I'll help as I can.



I did a clean install of osc and added fedex 2.07. it gives the same error but the prgram does not crash it just says fedex server must b down. so I know that i have some corruption in my main setup but this install should work.


So I have been on the phone with fedex and they don't know why. There is some detail I am missing.



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I did a clean install of osc and added fedex 2.07. it gives the same error but the prgram does not crash it just says fedex server must b down. so I know that i have some corruption in my main setup but this install should work.


So I have been on the phone with fedex and they don't know why. There is some detail I am missing.




you could post your module configuration settings here, just to check


You also might look to your configure.php file(s) for those "main setup" concerns you have.


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you could post your module configuration settings here, just to check


You also might look to your configure.php file(s) for those "main setup" concerns you have.



Well here are the modle settings:


Enable Fedex Shipping



Your Fedex Account Number



Your Fedex Meter ID



cURL Path



Debug Mode



Weight Units



Which server to use



First line of street address

13853 Haynes St


Second line of street address



City name

Van Nuys


State or Province name



Postal code



Phone number



Drop off type



Display Transit Times



Fedex surcharge?



Show List Rates?






Residential surcharge?



Enable Envelope Rates?



Sort rates:

High to Low


Timeout in Seconds



Max. weight



Max. quantity of ship boxes



Tax Class



Tier 1 Discount Weight



Tier 1 Discount Percent



Tier 2 Discount Weight



Tier 2 Discount Percent



Sort Order



Shipping Zone




I just did another clean install with the same reults. the program is gemerating data but its not geting to fedex



thanks for your help.



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Well here are the modle settings:


Enable Fedex Shipping



Your Fedex Account Number



Your Fedex Meter ID



cURL Path



Debug Mode



Weight Units



Which server to use



First line of street address

13853 Haynes St


Second line of street address



City name

Van Nuys


State or Province name



Postal code



Phone number



Drop off type



Display Transit Times



Fedex surcharge?



Show List Rates?






Residential surcharge?



Enable Envelope Rates?



Sort rates:

High to Low


Timeout in Seconds



Max. weight



Max. quantity of ship boxes



Tax Class



Tier 1 Discount Weight



Tier 1 Discount Percent



Tier 2 Discount Weight



Tier 2 Discount Percent



Sort Order



Shipping Zone


I just did another clean install with the same reults. the program is gemerating data but its not geting to fedex

thanks for your help.





Well I did another copletely clean istall, even deleted my datatbase and rebuilt. This time I installed 2.04. Same results. I am not getting to fedex. Good data being generated and supossedly sent to fedex but it never gets there.


Starting to wonder if Godaddy isn't the culprit although I have no curl errors.


Any more thougts??



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Well I did another copletely clean istall, even deleted my datatbase and rebuilt. This time I installed 2.04. Same results. I am not getting to fedex. Good data being generated and supossedly sent to fedex but it never gets there.


Starting to wonder if Godaddy isn't the culprit although I have no curl errors.


Any more thougts??




set Debug mode to false

set server to production

put phone number in format 818-787-2673

set timeout in seconds to NONE


try that


if no change, try setting the cURL Path to /usr/bin/curl or whatever would be accurate and try that


Are you positive you un-remarked the goDaddy settings? possibly confirm with goDaddy if the code is correct for you?


Reference: The cURL Path should only be used if your host does not allow the user of cURL

from within PHP for some reason as has happened. In this case, you would enter

the full file system path to the cURL program, such as /usr/bin/curl. This can

be a problem if PHP is running in safe mode. If it is, then the host will also

have to allow you to execute cURL from PHP either by turning off safe mode (not

likely), or via the safe_mode_exec_dir configuration parameter in PHP.INI, or

some other technique. This is their call, not ours. So, you will need to work

with your provider to get them to allow it, and also give you the full path to

the cURL program. (Remember, you need OpenSSL also for cURL).


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set Debug mode to false

set server to production

put phone number in format 818-787-2673

set timeout in seconds to NONE


try that


if no change, try setting the cURL Path to /usr/bin/curl or whatever would be accurate and try that


Are you positive you un-remarked the goDaddy settings? possibly confirm with goDaddy if the code is correct for you?


Reference: The cURL Path should only be used if your host does not allow the user of cURL

from within PHP for some reason as has happened. In this case, you would enter

the full file system path to the cURL program, such as /usr/bin/curl. This can

be a problem if PHP is running in safe mode. If it is, then the host will also

have to allow you to execute cURL from PHP either by turning off safe mode (not

likely), or via the safe_mode_exec_dir configuration parameter in PHP.INI, or

some other technique. This is their call, not ours. So, you will need to work

with your provider to get them to allow it, and also give you the full path to

the cURL program. (Remember, you need OpenSSL also for cURL).



Tried all that. Called godaddy and confirmed curl fix should work.


I am just baffled


we do i go from here?



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Tried all that. Called godaddy and confirmed curl fix should work.


I am just baffled


we do i go from here?




Be more specific please. So even with 2.07 on a clean osc MS2 does not work?


Well that indicates to me that the issue is with your host / server environment.


What errors or results are you seeing on the shipping page?


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Be more specific please. So even with 2.07 on a clean osc MS2 does not work?


Well that indicates to me that the issue is with your host / server environment.


What errors or results are you seeing on the shipping page?



the only error message is Data sent to fedex:(string of #'s) and Data Received from Fedex is blank.


Yes this is a clean install of 2.2ms2 with 2.07 fedex mod.


Will check with godaddy again but they sent me a curl script for paypal and it looks like all the right parameters are being called.


will contact them again and see if we can figure this out.





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the only error message is Data sent to fedex:(string of #'s) and Data Received from Fedex is blank.


Yes this is a clean install of 2.2ms2 with 2.07 fedex mod.


Will check with godaddy again but they sent me a curl script for paypal and it looks like all the right parameters are being called.


will contact them again and see if we can figure this out.





Have you spoken with FedEx to insure your account is authorized to pull quotes for all the methods you are using?

They can turn you off/on entirely, or limit which types of quotes you can pull as well


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Have you spoken with FedEx to insure your account is authorized to pull quotes for all the methods you are using?

They can turn you off/on entirely, or limit which types of quotes you can pull as well



yes have been verified on the test server for fedex. Have talked with them to make sure account is set up. The data is not being sent to them.


the address to the fedex server is in fede1.php on lines 251 and 253 right? have verified that the test server is at the address sent to me by fedex.


will try and talk to go daddy now.


thanks for your help. I have to make this work!!!


if you have any other ideas please throw them at me.



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the address to the fedex server is in fede1.php on lines 251 and 253 right? have verified that the test server is at the address sent to me by fedex.






lines 468-479

	  if (MODULE_SHIPPING_FEDEX1_SERVER == 'production') {
	$this->server = 'gateway.fedex.com/GatewayDC';
  } else {
	$this->server = 'gatewaybeta.fedex.com/GatewayDC';
	$ch = curl_init();
	curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
	curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, 'https://' . $this->server);
	curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
	curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);


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yes have been verified on the test server for fedex. Have talked with them to make sure account is set up. The data is not being sent to them.


the address to the fedex server is in fede1.php on lines 251 and 253 right? have verified that the test server is at the address sent to me by fedex.


will try and talk to go daddy now.


thanks for your help. I have to make this work!!!


if you have any other ideas please throw them at me.




got this from goDaddy:


For a rough breakdown of the CURL components from the above PHP script see below.


First the CURL Session is established.

$ch = curl_init("http://www.example.com/");

// Have CURL connect to www.example.com via http


Set the options for CURL to follow

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FILE, $fp);

// With the information that is received, write it to a local file.

// as Defined by $fp = fopen("example_homepage.txt", "w");

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);

// Include the transport headers in the data received


Finally, execute the session and close it.


// curl_exec will execute the entire CURL session commands


// curl_close terminates the CURL session


// fclose simply closes the local file which is the output from the CURL session


Go Daddy's HTTPs Proxy requires special options to be placed within any CURL session before it can be used with the HTTPS protocol. The following options will need to be entered into the CURL Session...




curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_PROXY, '');



Note: The IP address of the Proxy service may change. Substitute the IP address with the most recent HTTPS proxy IP address.


Current Proxy IP's as of 2/14/07


Mathieu S.

Customer Care Center

[email protected]


I have tried the new ip .201 same results. am starting to look through code to see if i can see anything different. If you se it first please shout!




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got this from goDaddy:


For a rough breakdown of the CURL components from the above PHP script see below.


First the CURL Session is established.

$ch = curl_init("http://www.example.com/");

// Have CURL connect to www.example.com via http


Set the options for CURL to follow

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FILE, $fp);

// With the information that is received, write it to a local file.

// as Defined by $fp = fopen("example_homepage.txt", "w");

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);

// Include the transport headers in the data received


Finally, execute the session and close it.


// curl_exec will execute the entire CURL session commands


// curl_close terminates the CURL session


// fclose simply closes the local file which is the output from the CURL session


Go Daddy's HTTPs Proxy requires special options to be placed within any CURL session before it can be used with the HTTPS protocol. The following options will need to be entered into the CURL Session...




curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_PROXY, '');



Note: The IP address of the Proxy service may change. Substitute the IP address with the most recent HTTPS proxy IP address.


Current Proxy IP's as of 2/14/07


Mathieu S.

Customer Care Center

[email protected]


I have tried the new ip .201 same results. am starting to look through code to see if i can see anything different. If you se it first please shout!







Ok this is the code we are concerned with yes?:


if (MODULE_SHIPPING_FEDEX1_SERVER == 'production') {

$this->server = 'gateway.fedex.com/GatewayDC';

} else {

$this->server = 'gatewaybeta.fedex.com/GatewayDC';



$ch = curl_init();

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, 'https://' . $this->server);


curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array("Referer: " . STORE_NAME,

"Host: " . $this->server,

"Accept: image/gif,image/jpeg,image/pjpeg,text/plain,text/html,*/*",



curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);




curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_PROXY, '');


$reply = curl_exec($ch);

curl_close ($ch);


I can't find anything wrong here. Should I be looking somewhere else?



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I can't find anything wrong here. Should I be looking somewhere else?



yes the code is solid. Other GoDaddy customers have it working just fine.


I dont really know what you should do next. Perhaps try the UPS module or USPS and see if you have the same problems...


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yes the code is solid. Other GoDaddy customers have it working just fine.


I dont really know what you should do next. Perhaps try the UPS module or USPS and see if you have the same problems...



Well have installed UPS XML module with about the same results. here they are:


UPSXML TimeInTransit Error: : experienced by customer with id 2 on 2007-05-03 08:23:10


Error from cURL: Error [28]: connect() timed out! experienced by customer with id 2 on 2007-05-03 08:23:10


UPSXML Rates Error:


Rating and Service




An unknown error occured while attempting to contact the UPS gateway



Rating and Service




An unknown error occured while attempting to contact the UPS gateway

experienced by customer with id 2 on 2007-05-03 08:24:11


Error from cURL: Error [28]: connect() timed out! experienced by customer with id 2 on 2007-05-03 08:24:11


I have checked with godaddy and they say their end is solid and configured correctly and that it's my program.


This is getting crazy!


I don't know where to turn now. I mean you have been very heplful but I don't know how to trap where these things are being sent so I can see what's wrong,



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Well have installed UPS XML module with about the same results. here they are:


UPSXML TimeInTransit Error: : experienced by customer with id 2 on 2007-05-03 08:23:10


Error from cURL: Error [28]: connect() timed out! experienced by customer with id 2 on 2007-05-03 08:23:10


UPSXML Rates Error:


Rating and Service




An unknown error occured while attempting to contact the UPS gateway



Rating and Service




An unknown error occured while attempting to contact the UPS gateway

experienced by customer with id 2 on 2007-05-03 08:24:11


Error from cURL: Error [28]: connect() timed out! experienced by customer with id 2 on 2007-05-03 08:24:11


I have checked with godaddy and they say their end is solid and configured correctly and that it's my program.


This is getting crazy!


I don't know where to turn now. I mean you have been very heplful but I don't know how to trap where these things are being sent so I can see what's wrong,





here is more error data from the UPS XML module:


2013 - Lost connection to MySQL server during query


select c.categories_id, cd.categories_name, c.parent_id from categories c, categories_description cd where c.parent_id = '0' and c.categories_id = cd.categories_id and cd.language_id='1' order by sort_order, cd.categories_name




2006 - MySQL server has gone away


select count(*) as total from sessions where sesskey = '6e74f92f989185e9a93756e6f8167e8c'





Warning: Unknown(): A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time. in Unknown on line 0



What's it mean Ollie :'(



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Well have installed UPS XML module with about the same results. here they are:


I have checked with godaddy and they say their end is solid and configured correctly and that it's my program.


This is getting crazy!


I don't know where to turn now. I mean you have been very heplful but I don't know how to trap where these things are being sent so I can see what's wrong,





Well you've isolated the problem at least somewhat and the problems are not with this module.

Sound like you need to dig into your includes/configure.php or admin/includes/configure.php. check for file permission issues or htaccess issues too.


What does it say in admin-tools-server info about cURL? like this??

cURL Information libcurl/7.10.6 OpenSSL/0.9.7a ipv6 zlib/1.1.4


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here is more error data from the UPS XML module:


2013 - Lost connection to MySQL server during query


select c.categories_id, cd.categories_name, c.parent_id from categories c, categories_description cd where c.parent_id = '0' and c.categories_id = cd.categories_id and cd.language_id='1' order by sort_order, cd.categories_name




2006 - MySQL server has gone away


select count(*) as total from sessions where sesskey = '6e74f92f989185e9a93756e6f8167e8c'



Warning: Unknown(): A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time. in Unknown on line 0

What's it mean Ollie :'(




someone who knows something about Mysql will have to answer. Not my strength. sorry


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Contribution page: http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,1462




1. Added per product check box for "Ship Seperate" designation so that

FedEx will now generate item seperate quotes when desired (heavy items...)

2. Added ability to disable the module entirely by weight limit or box


3. Products not checked "Ship Seperately" continue to be processed per your

stores existing configuration.

4. In Checkout_shipping, the customer now sees an item count and total weight,

along with an accurate quote for the entire order!


Includes Zone support (V 2.05)


Any donations to help offset our development cost is appreciated. See the readme.txt


Please post any feedback or issues or suggestions for further improvement.








HI im geting this masage when igo troew the check out proces or click on the soping cart


1054 - Unknown column 'products_ship_sep' in 'where clause'


select products_id, products_price, products_tax_class_id, products_weight from products where products_id = '28' and products_ship_sep = '0'




please help

Roger N

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