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Paypal IPN .87


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I installed the IPN V0.87, enabled the IPN in Paypal but...


The total amount is not showing up when the customer is sent to Paypal. I do receive the paypal IPN transaction back to the OsCommerce software, but its just listed under the Paypal IPN Transaction. Should this also be changing the status once the OsCommerce receives the confirmation from Paypal?


Any thought where I should be looking for the problem?



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I installed the IPN V0.87, enabled the IPN in Paypal but...


The total amount is not showing up when the customer is sent to Paypal. I do receive the paypal IPN transaction back to the OsCommerce software, but its just listed under the Paypal IPN Transaction. Should this also be changing the status once the OsCommerce receives the confirmation from Paypal?


Hi Crashit


Is there any address in which I can see your site?


About the status changing when the script receives the confirmation from Paypal, it will be done when the transaction gets status=COMPLETED.


Anyway, if your system is not sending the total amount, is possible that it is also omiting to send the orders_id, so the script cant know which order to update.


Please tell me if there is any address so I can see it.


Best regards

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I just installed a clean version 2.2 (todays snapshot) and installed the Paypal IPN V0.87 and still a no go as before. I am using my original database, just installed the version 2.2 in another directory, side-by-side with V2.1


I am running a Windows 2000 Server, PHP V 4.2.1

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I just installed a clean version 2.2 (todays snapshot) and installed the Paypal IPN V0.87 and still a no go as before. I am using my original database, just installed the version 2.2 in another directory, side-by-side with V2.1


I am running a Windows 2000 Server, PHP V 4.2.1


As I have seen in your site, the problem with it is the STORE NAME.


When the order is sent to PayPal, the item_name is the STORE_NAME, that is defined in your Admin->Configuration->My_Store->Store_Name


Surely it contains a comma (,) in the STORE_NAME that is breaking the url.


The new version of the contrib will have the last line of checkout_paypalipn.php like this:


tep_redirect("https://secure.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_xclick&business=".MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPALIPN_ID."&item_name=".urlencode(STORE_NAME)."&item_number=".$insert_id."&amount=".number_format(($order->info['total'] - $order->info['shipping_cost']) * $currencies->currencies['USD']['value'], 2)."&shipping=".number_format($order->info['shipping_cost'] * $currencies->get_value('USD'), 2)."&return=".tep_href_link(FILENAME_CHECKOUT_SUCCESS, '', 'SSL')."&cancel_return=".tep_href_link(FILENAME_CHECKOUT_PAYMENT, '', 'SSL')."&first_name=".urlencode($order->customer['firstname'])."&last_name=".urlencode($order->customer['lastname'])."&address1=".urlencode($order->customer['street_address'])."&city=".urlencode($order->customer['city'])."&state=".urlencode($order->customer['state'])."&zip=".urlencode($order->customer['postcode'])."&email=".$order->customer['email_address']);


You can edit that file and modify that line, or you can delete the comma from your Store Name :)


Best regards

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:D I did have a space in the store name, and I replaced the space with an '_' and it now WORKS PERFECTLY!!!


You are GREAT for taking the time to help out! :D


You are welcome, and its good it is working now!


Anyway, with the modification in checkout_paypalipn.php it should work with spaces or commas or whatever.


Best regards

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