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Brand new Installation


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I'm really not sure where to start. I downloaded OSC 2.1. Untarred the file and copied the admin and catalog directories to my home web directory. I've even created the catalog database. It's still not clear what my next step should be. It also wasn't to clear what varialbles I needed to edit within the application_top.php file within the /catalog/includes/ and /admin/includes/ directories. Can somone please help me with the next step I should take. What files exactly I should edit. And than what file I should point my browser to, inorder to get started. I've also noticed alot of references from other users about running some install script. Is there one that I'm not aware of. I'd appreciate any help I can get. Thanks.

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First delete almost everything you've download!

Then download the osc 2.2

Then If U have another problem first check the forum for already anwsered question and if u still have any problems make a post again! Good luck :) [/color]

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Thanks for the help. Downloading OSC 2.2 was definetly clearer. When I try to start it up I get an error idicating that I need to turn on register_globals within my php.ini file. I turn it on but it still gives me the same error. I decided to check if it accepted my change thru the phpinfo and is says it is off. Does anyone know how to make it accept that change that I can clearly see in the php.ini file. Do I need to reboot, or run something to force it to accept the change.

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