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The e-commerce.

Shipping + Flat Rate


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Does anyone know how to set up a diiferent per item shipping costs dependant on the country being sent too.



Could really do with some help here please. I have search the forum, but have found nothing.


Thanks in advance.


Nev :?

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Just in case anyone else needs this..


Not an ideal solutions but it works.


I hacked the item.php file..




function quote() {

global $shipping_quoted, $shipping_item_cost, $shipping_item_method, $total_count;


if ( ($GLOBALS['shipping_quote_all'] == '1') || ($GLOBALS['shipping_quote_item'] == '1') ) {

$shipping_quoted = 'item';

$shipping_item_cost = SHIPPING_HANDLING + (MODULE_SHIPPING_ITEM_COST * $total_count);

$shipping_item_method = MODULE_SHIPPING_ITEM_TEXT_WAY;







function quote() {

global $shipping_quoted, $shipping_item_cost, $shipping_item_method, $total_count, $address_values, $dest_country;


if ( ($GLOBALS['shipping_quote_all'] == '1') || ($GLOBALS['shipping_quote_item'] == '1') ) {

$shipping_quoted = 'item';

$destination = tep_get_countries($address_values['country_id'], '1');

$dest_country = $destination['countries_iso_code_2'];

if ($dest_country == 'IE' ) {

$shipping_item_cost = SHIPPING_HANDLING + ((MODULE_SHIPPING_ITEM_COST + 8) * $total_count);

} else {

$shipping_item_cost = SHIPPING_HANDLING + (MODULE_SHIPPING_ITEM_COST * $total_count);


$shipping_item_method = MODULE_SHIPPING_ITEM_TEXT_WAY;





I'm sure theres a better way, but it met my requirement for now.



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