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Do not view cart


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Hello everyone. I'm tring to modify something in OCS but I need that after clicking on a spacific item I DON'T want it to go to the cart i want it to stay where it is.

Isn't there a way to disable the view cart after adding item??

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Assuming you have v2.2 ...


Admin ...

Configuration ...

My Store ...

Display Cart After Adding Product ....


Set this to false if you do not want to see the cart after hitting In Cart or Buy Now buttons.

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This will happen on products with attributes if you mean when you click the Buy Now button.


Otherwise, you should stay where you are at when you hit buy now or in cart and Display Cart is off.

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Well all that is ok but not exactly what I'm looking for.

I want to create some custom stuff (and later add it to the Cross_sale contribution).

when I say custom stuff I mean: create regular link or a form that will send an item to the shopping cart but just send there and still stay in the same page (or if there is an option in osc to send many items in one click)

if you have no idea how to do it some ideas will be welcome.

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