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login, right side boxes move left


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After logging in, all the boxes below the my login box move from the right side to the left side. They stay in order, but it really unbalances the pages. This is fixed when you log out. Is it like this to make room for all the items to be bought and listed in the shopping cart box? Is this a feature or something wrong?

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Hi guiness.


Somehow you messed up the balance of








Best adwise is to unddo/restore and then try again, being a little more carefull with these tags.

Best Regards


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One way is to view source before you login and after and follow the patter to the missing <td>, <tr> etc.


Takes a little bit to read through, but there are comment markers that might help you trace down the problem.


Also, if you look for your .bak files, 10 to 1 the error is in one of those files :lookround:

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Located the problem, but not sure how to fix it. The error is being created by the loginbox contribution. The contribution itself is fine, but it vanishes when you are logged on. I was able to get the box to be replaced by a "you are logged on" box, but somehow this where the problem lies. Has anyone got a replacement box working? What would cause this?

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Hi Gunner.


You are getting closer to your problem, but putting another box i the column isn't the right way.

The loginbox does work, so maybee you have made changes to header.php (starts some of the table, tr and td's)

Best Regards


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  • 11 months later...

There are several releases of the Login Box.


The switch to turn it on/off is either in the column or in the login box itself.


From any installs I have done with mine, it has not mattered if it stayed on or turned off when not needed.


The one I am using in SECv2.2 now stays on as it has other features that are active after the login, if that helps.

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Adding this control in the column-file fix it:

  if ( (!strstr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'],'login.php')) and (!strstr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'],'create_account.php')) )  {

   require(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'loginbox.php');


Best Regards


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