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The e-commerce.

cant find index.php


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i loaded a new site today onto my server... if i put in /catalog .............after the site my site appears, how do i direct my site so that it works...


i tried directing it from my server to the catalog site, however.. none of the images show up and the font is different




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Yes - keep the directory structure that is inside/catalog/ - you just wont have a catalog directory (never should have been one, has caused endless headaches and misunderstanding)




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Yes - keep the directory structure that is inside/catalog/ - you just wont have a catalog directory (never should have been one, has caused endless headaches and misunderstanding)




thanx so much!!


im new to oscommerce... kinda confusing


you would know where i would find the place to eliminate the sily little icons that are in the areas of the "what's new here"..... i managed to find the shopping cart, check out and the other one in the header and turned them into hidden files.. but i cant find where the main page ones hide

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Open up /includes/configure.php in a text editor - change all instances of:








Upload the file to your server :)




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ok..ok.. i am 90%ready


these apper under the following areas


admin side when i go under payment, shipping and order total


Module Directory: /kunden/homepages/19/d185029666/htdocs/index/includes/modules/payment/


Module Directory: /kunden/homepages/19/d185029666/htdocs/index/includes/modules/shipping/


Module Directory: /kunden/homepages/19/d185029666/htdocs/index/includes/modules/order_total/


and this appears under tools


this is in red at the top

Error: Backup directory does not exist. Please set this in configure.php.


this is in the body area


Backup Directory: /kunden/homepages/19/d185029666/htdocs/index/admin/backups/


this is under tools under define language


Warning: dir(/kunden/homepages/19/d185029666/htdocs/index/includes/languages/english) [function.dir]: failed to open dir: No such file or directory in /homepages/19/d185029666/htdocs/usr_dazzle/admin/define_language.php on line 152

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