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The e-commerce.

Making a proposal for the admin center

seCret steVe

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There should be a area in the admin center that controls the title of the page which is shown up at the top area of the page in the left hand corner. Sorry just writting that all down for thsoe that dont know what it is.


Anwyays in the admin area there should be a section so you can change it from osCommerce to "what ever you like" so that it is the same through out the whole site. I have changed mine to "N'Stial Audio Community" But when you checkout or what ever other functions that i may have missed it still says osCommerce in the title bar.



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I dont know why you have that.

My site says the same header title on everypage. Even on checkout.


You might want to use Linda's header tag contribution.

But you might have to change a few things to how you want it.


Otherwise just check a few of the fundementals, cos as i say mine does not do what you have explained.


Sometimes we miss the obvious things. :eh:



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