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Missing php.ini file


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I did a site backup restore and somehow I have a missing php.ini file. The problem is we have a couple of hundred hours of custom programming done to the cart, and I don't want to lose that. Would the best option be to:


1) Backup the current site and reinstall OSCommerce and then transfer the custom files back.


2) Find another php.ini file


Any help would be appreciated.


Jeff Burns


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A php.ini file is just a regular text file. It was probably used for the register globals setting so just create a text file, rename it php.ini and write this line to it

register_globals = Off

If it was used for some other setting, then you would need to add that too.



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A php.ini file is just a regular text file. It was probably used for the register globals setting so just create a text file, rename it php.ini and write this line to it
register_globals = Off

If it was used for some other setting, then you would need to add that too.





Do you know what folder I'm suppose to put it in?

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  • 2 years later...

Ok I figured it out. You have to add a php5.ini if you have a godaddy account. You must add this file in three places - catolog, admin, install. Make sure it, reads register_globals = ON ,because you are changing your settings on godaddys server not on the website.

I am running php5 on a shared hosting plan with Mysql 4.1

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