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Nested product trees putting the "welcome" msg at top


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I've got a nested product tree (see link below for example) that is automatically putting the "welcome" message from the front page onto my lowest page. How can I fix this? Really I'd just like it to say "Equipment" with a itty bitty picture in the corner.



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I've got a nested product tree (see link below for example) that is automatically putting the "welcome" message from the front page onto my lowest page. How can I fix this? Really I'd just like it to say "Equipment" with a itty bitty picture in the corner.





It is NOT putting your welcome message from your front page onto your category pages. Your welcome is "Welcome to Stock Aid" The message on your category pages is "Welcome to Stock Aid.com"


To fix this goto catalog/includes/english/index.php and change the heading definition after the first IF


if ( ($category_depth == 'products') || (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['manufacturers_id'])) ) {
 define('HEADING_TITLE', 'whatever you want here');

Just between us, remember there are only 10 kinds of people in the world; those who understand binary and those who don't!!


Remember, learning is a "do-it-yourself" experience; although, not necessarily a "do-it-BY-yourself" experience.


The quickest way to learn is to forget to BACKUP!

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