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The e-commerce.

Installation Help Needed

The Collector

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I am new to using osCommerce and creating web pages. I would like to practice using osCommerce offline before chosing a host and creating a web page on their server. I have successfully installed xampp on my computer, read the posts regarding installing osCommerce on xampp in this forum, and read the quick installation guide regarding installing osCommerce that is located in the front of this forum. The quick installation guide says the first step is to create a blank database before installing osCommerce on xampp. I opened xampp and went into the mySQL admin, but cannot figure out how to create a new database. Any help on how to create the new database in the xampp configuration would be appreciated.

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I am new to using osCommerce and creating web pages. I would like to practice using osCommerce offline before chosing a host and creating a web page on their server. I have successfully installed xampp on my computer, read the posts regarding installing osCommerce on xampp in this forum, and read the quick installation guide regarding installing osCommerce that is located in the front of this forum. The quick installation guide says the first step is to create a blank database before installing osCommerce on xampp. I opened xampp and went into the mySQL admin, but cannot figure out how to create a new database. Any help on how to create the new database in the xampp configuration would be appreciated.


Under phpMyAdmin on the left side in bold print you should see -- "Create new database"... just under that in the blank space is where you would enter your database name... to the right is a button labeled "Create". Enter your database name in the blank space and click on create. Leave the collation dropdown as it is.


After you create the database, follow the instructions posted by Vger at the front of the forum. :thumbsup:

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