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Little Arrows


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Hi, and to whom can help..



I have created little arrows and /or graphics that I want to place next to my categories and subcategories on my site. How does one go about this and on what line and on what locations etc.. Do I insert or change code or what ever you need to do to have this feature? Thank you for your help if you can.. :D



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To add the image - check this line (line 20) catalog/includes/boxes/categories.php


$categories_string .= '<img src="/images/spot.gif"> <a href="';


To remove the -> look in



if (tep_has_category_subcategories($counter)) {

$categories_string .= '->';




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Thank you very much.. I just need to know this.. I'm in the process right now of getting rid of that --> thing..lol


But I wanted to be able to put a little bullet graphic next to all subcategories and not an arrow.. The arrow has completely taken over all categories per your instruction. I just need to fix this and that should do it. Once again, thank you. :D

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Hi again dynamok,



Actually, I got my little arrow graphic next to the category.. But can't find a way to put my little bullet graphic next to the subcategories. I tried a couple different things. But all it did was mess with the database parsing. So I figure I'd give it a break for a bit.


Would you happen to know how while we're on the subject? :D


Thanks again dear

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Hi again,


I've installed the categories contribution and did some modifying to it and got it to work. But in all the excitement, I didn't see what it has done to my settings. One of which that I can see thus far is that what categories or subcategories that I had set inactive are now ACTIVE! And I can't seem to change it either. But can change the names of categories and create and delete to I think.. Just my active and inactive buttons don't work now.. lol I need some help here. Evidentially some modifications need to be done somewhere.. I'm guessing in the categories.php file.. Of course.. Thanks guys for your help..





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what is the contribution called for this please?


I have looked but cant see anything obvious, and there are about 430 to look thru now... :shock:





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