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Unable to connect to DB server - Access deinied


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I changed servers through my host and then they restored the database from a backup. They also changed my user name from infosite_admin to infosite_admin. When I go to my store link at http://www.info-site.biz/%7Einfosite/shop/...&os......... I get the following error:


Warning: mysql_connect(): Access denied for user: 'infosit_admin@localhost' (Using password: YES) in /home/infosite/public_html/shop/catalog/includes/functions/database.php on line 19

Unable to connect to database server!


My host support person responded with the following: START OF NOTE: I see that you have not configured the Database with PHP.You should use a database configuration files and define the variables for database connection for it.


The database is connecting without problems for the user created by Avery before.So you need to configure it with OSCommerce.


See below.


-bash-2.05b$ mysql infosite_shopcart -u infosite_admin -plara1946

Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.

Your MySQL connection id is 105556 to server version: 4.0.16


Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.


mysql> exit END OF NOTE.


I do not know what he means. I tried to look at the configuration files in the database, but I do not see anything that allows me to setup the database user name and password. Where it this, so I can change it.


Any help would be appreciated.


Thank You,



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By the looks of it you have a dedicated server without a web hosting control panel. If that's the case then you're going to have to learn how to use SSH (Secure Shell Access), which is what your hosts are quoting.


On the other hand, if you do have a web hosting control panel then the email you got is from a total geek who just likes to confuse customers or make himself sound overly important.


So if you do have a web hosting control panel then use that to set up a User Name and Password for MySQL access for that database.



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By the looks of it you have a dedicated server without a web hosting control panel. If that's the case then you're going to have to learn how to use SSH (Secure Shell Access), which is what your hosts are quoting.


On the other hand, if you do have a web hosting control panel then the email you got is from a total geek who just likes to confuse customers or make himself sound overly important.


So if you do have a web hosting control panel then use that to set up a User Name and Password for MySQL access for that database.




Thank you. I think that one got taking care of and I now have access. But now, after they did my restore on a different host and I go to my shopping cart (got access), I get a lot of pages not found and broken images, because they put me on a different host host572 and the images were pointing to host55, so I think I need to reset/repoint all those images or re-install the whole package on the new host. In any case, when I originally set up this cart, it was 3 or 4 years ago and now I forgot how to access the admin page. Could you tell me how to access my shoppinig cart admin page, so that I can fix these images or do I need to do a complete re-install? Thank you for your quick response and help.

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