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Product Attributes Question..


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Ive looked in the contribs section and I can only find 1 massive attributes contrib that just INCLUDES the attributes sorter, but not the actual sorter itself.


I don't really want that massive contrib on my site, I just want the small sorter so I can fix this bug. Is there anywhere else on the net I can find this?

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Ive looked in the contribs section and I can only find 1 massive attributes contrib that just INCLUDES the attributes sorter, but not the actual sorter itself.


I don't really want that massive contrib on my site, I just want the small sorter so I can fix this bug. Is there anywhere else on the net I can find this?



Nevermind. I found it.




Now the only problem I am having is that it doesn't mesh with the other contrib I have to make adding the attributes easier. Does anyone with coding experience know how I can make the cell the sorter contrib creates in this other contrib I have installed as well? This would make things much easier to do as I could do it all from the product edit page.


Here's the other contrib I have installed...



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