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The e-commerce.



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Hello everyone,


I am hoping to get some advice here. I am looking to design ecommerce sites for my clients using oscommerce v 2.2. The question is, what is the best gateway to offer my clients? Paypal or merchant account such as authorize.net? Paypal is free to setup, no monthy fees, and low transaction rates. I am just a bit confused as to why one would bother with a merchant account if they can just use paypal?

Another thing : has any actually gone into production with version 2.2? is it stable enough? THanks for you help...

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Mainly it is based on client preference.


Some people are willing to allow one company like PayPal know all their personal details whereas a regular credit card purchase means many places know all their details.


Even if I had Authorizenet I would still offer PayPal as there are a lot of folks with money to burn sitting in their PayPal accounts and it looks more professional to cover all the bases on the options available for payment menthod. :wink:

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A hearty Amen to Lindas post. A real credit card gateway is preferred as it is less hassle for the user. If all you offered was Paypal, you would lose quite a few customers, the majority of them.


That being said, some people like using Paypal for mainly privacy reasons. So, for those, you would lose *some* customers if you do not offer Paypal. Also, Paypal shops is a nice "free" advertisement for your business, I get a few hits per day from it.


So, ultimate is both, it serves your customers better. But, if only one, I would go with a regular merchant account.


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