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The e-commerce.

dumbness with osc


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not to poo on anyone's shoes personally, but what are the dumbest things you've seen on any osc-driven website?


so far, the "visitors" counter.. that counts every click (i cannot remember the specific module name)


but i've seen people write "orders this month:" :lol: :lol:

yeahh... so within my 20 clicks in the past minute, your default (looking) osc shop received 20+ orders? :lol:

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I found this today in the standard index.php



	$image = DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'table_background_list.gif';




which of course gives you /images/images/table_background_list.gif >_<





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Yes I know what you meant, however dumbness is dumbness and you began with the silly counter thingy, now that in itself is dumb ;)


I think the measure of what is known as a sense of humour begins at home, don't you?




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I think the measure of what is known as a sense of humour begins at home, don't you?

absolutely, though i was moreso busting out a competitor that seems to vigorously screen my posts on here than being lol-ish ;)


the joke is always lost on me.. i'm used to it. :lol:

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I found this today in the standard index.php

	$image = DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'table_background_list.gif';

which of course gives you /images/images/table_background_list.gif >_<



This reminds me of that old classic joke.


Run DOS...............

DOS Run...............

Run DOS Run.........



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