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Order Status Bug/Feature?


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This was originally inserted within another topic for suggestions but I thought it was important enough for others to verify.. here goes (again).


I have also noticed what I think is a bug and would like others to verify if this is by design or indeed a bug.


PROCESS: Under Admin->Config->Stock with (default?):

Check stock level true

Subtract stock true

Allow Checkout true

Mark product out of stock ***

Stock Re-order level 5


goto:Admin->Catalog->Category&Prod->Hdware->Graphic Cards and edit G200 MMS. Set qty to 0 and preview->update.


Go to Catalog (not admin)->browse category Hardware->Grp Cards-> and you'll notice that the G200 is displayed. Order it all the way through. "buy them anyway" even though it tells you it is out of stock. (since allow checkout is true).


Select Single OR Multiple shipment (doesn't matter). And once finished.. immediately return to Catalog->Categories->Hardware->GCards and notice that the G200 is off the list.


In admin the product has been auto-set to out of stock with a -1 qty (which is correct). But because it was set to out of stock.. it no longer displays on the catalog side (red light/Not in Stock) so a customer can't order EVEN though "Allow Checkout" is true. ?? This doesn't make much sense to me. If you go back and (green light it) set it to in stock with a qty of now -1, it will redisplay on the page again and the order will go through but after that order it immediately goes back to out of stock (red light) with the now greater negative qty available.



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