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Changing Date Format


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The date formats are defined in /includes/languages/english.php


Yes thanks but, i have tried this..

define('DATE_FORMAT_SHORT', '%d/%m/%Y');  // this is used for strftime()
define('DATE_FORMAT_LONG', '%A %d %B, %Y'); // this is used for strftime()
define('DATE_FORMAT', 'd/m/Y'); // this is used for date()

// Return date in raw format
// $date should be in format mm/dd/yyyy
// raw date is in format YYYYMMDD, or DDMMYYYY
function tep_date_raw($date, $reverse = true) {
 if ($reverse) {
return substr($date, 3, 2) . substr($date, 0, 2) . substr($date, 6, 4);
 } else {
return substr($date, 6, 4) . substr($date, 0, 2) . substr($date, 3, 2);


and it still doesnt work. am i missing something else ?

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Yes... the bottom part.



Try this:



define('DATE_FORMAT_SHORT', '%d/%m/%Y');  // this is used for strftime()
define('DATE_FORMAT_LONG', '%A %d %B, %Y'); // this is used for strftime()
define('DATE_FORMAT', 'd/m/Y'); // this is used for date()

// Return date in raw format
// $date should be in format dd/mm/yyyy
// raw date is in format YYYYMMDD, or DDMMYYYY
function tep_date_raw($date, $reverse = false) {
 if ($reverse) {
return substr($date, 0, 2) . substr($date, 3, 2) . substr($date, 6, 4);
 } else {
return substr($date, 6, 4) . substr($date, 3, 2) . substr($date, 0, 2);





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