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"Invalid email" when using "Create Account"


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I have read posts regarding unable to register new customers but this may be a little different. After filling in the customer information screen I get:


Your E-Mail Address does not appear to be valid - please make any necessary corrections.


It does work if you use ".fi" (and maybe .uk, but I didn't try it) domain but no others. I edited the '/includes/validations.php" file to comment out the code as suggested in a post but then osC goes blank when you go to 'Create Account".


Since my store is not live yet I have not gotten the SQL errors mentioned in other posts.


Thank you in advance for your help.


Felipe de la Rosa


P.S. I have applied the "Register_Globals" contribution.

Felipe de la Rosa

*Please feel free to IM me via YIM or AIM.

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Best idea is to replace the file you edited with a fresh copy :D



Just did that before posting and all is "out-of-box" except for both configure.php files and the "register_globals" contribution.


Everything is working so far except the email validation function for "Create_Account.php" and I want to collect email addresses for mailings.




Felipe de la Rosa

*Please feel free to IM me via YIM or AIM.

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