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The e-commerce.

Disabling shopping cart functionality


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This is my first encounter of osCommerce, and to be honest it has many more features than I need, but I like the ease of use and well designed interface. My question is, is it possible to use it just as a catologue (with no shopping cart functionality) perhaps in the future it would be useful for me, but not yet.


Thanks for your help



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Well which ever way you look at it you are gonna have loads of work to do, even if you can stop the shopping functionality.


But why use OSC for a standard catalogue site??


You may aswell go and get phpnuke or postnuke and make what you need to out of that.


With all the workings that there is to be found in OSC it would be pointless to go and take it all out. Especially when you could put your effort into something else that is more what you need.




In short - Anything is possible, but no OSC would not be ideal for that.

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  • 1 month later...
can be done all you need to do is remove all buy buttons and links to the cart or just change the link so it takes them to the product notifications page.


i'd like to know how to do this. examples? or any suggestions about the best way to disable the cart in osc (isn't it a module) and put my own links?


i'd like to use my own shopping cart system (more customer follow-up features) but am happy to use osCommerce for everything up until the point of the actual purchase. my cart is on ASP and for security reasons i can't get direct database access.


any way to simply have the buy links pass the information to my own cart instead. its a simple link to submit an item because all the needed info is built into the link as such:




i put really product data in that system then i can put the link anywhere including offline for people to end up at the cart. the view cart is just as easy. very convenient, but i need a good looking catalog and for this i like osCommerce.



or is there a better catalog only system? i haven't seen one i like yet

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