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The e-commerce.

To many people shopping at once! Help


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Hi there every one,

When I send my newsletter out, to many people visit my site at once and most people get a timeout error.

Is this a server issue or an oscommerce issue?


how many simultaneous visitors can oscommerce handle??




Cheers all


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its a server issue.... loosen the purse string a little and upgrade... you will make more money




Hi Thanks Sonia :D


I would still like to know how many simultaneous visitors oscommerce can handle :)


OK so if it is the server can anyone recommend some good hosting providers because I think I'm reaching the top of my current providers capabilities.


I use about 70 gig a month (but will probably tripple or quadrupple in one years time). I also use an ssl certificate.




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My suggestion would be also to get a better newsletter script. One that sends them out over a much longer peiod of time.



Yeah that's a good idea.


But we are about to be featured on the front of a major magazine which will mean we will get heaps more people visiting. :)


But Yeah I was also thinking about sending out the newsletter bit by bit.




Has anyone else had problems? I have heavily modified OSC I guess some of the code could be a little dodgy. Hmmmm.



Keep the ideas comming every one! Thanks Yall!



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