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The e-commerce.

need help before i turn off


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hi i found some tip tou fix my problem but i can't cause my web site is hosted on supplier web server, so to configure the php.ini for reason of security they can't but they suggest to create a command line in the .htaccess php_flag register_globals 1 that fix the problem when it time to start the install via my web browser but when i arrive at the second window new installation and i click on continue bouton notting append


i find some tip on this forum like put the register_long at on and restart the server but i can't cause i'm hosted on commercial supplier


so what are other solution


somebody as soon as possible


sory for that long topic (!)

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You need to enable register_globals, and register_long_arrays.


If you can't, search the contributions forum, there are a few patches to overcome this.



Rob Bell - Inspired Graphix

Customising osCommerce in Australia, and the world!

View my profile for web and email links.


I'm sorry, but i cannot offer Free support via PM etc, and osCommerce forums prohibit me from putting any reference to paid support in my signauture.

However viewing my profile may provide links to my website or something like that which you may find useful.

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  • 6 months later...
You need to enable register_globals, and register_long_arrays.


If you can't, search the contributions forum, there are a few patches to overcome this.




OSC says reg globals will be fully integrated with ms3 but for 2.2 you need to use the register globals contribution at:




this should be the very first!!!!!! contrib installed if your hosting company has reg globals set to 0 'off'. do not ask them to set it on because it is a security risk and will open a door through php to every one elses web sites on the server. the reg globals contrib will fix oscommerce 2.2 itself to by pass this problem.


I only write this here, even though this seems to be an old post, so others new to osc can get the bugs fixed quicker.


I am putting a pack together with several contribs mingled together for a quick and easy install. currently it includes (1) reg globals, (2)sts4.5, (3)dynamenu comming soon ... multi shops...multi vendor....shipping etc +affiliate tracking. this will take some time! email (see profile) me if you want to know more otherwise watch www.bluegreenenterprises.com for updates.

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