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The e-commerce.

about register_globals


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Hello Dear osCommerce member;


I want use oscommerce my host but installation gives

"FATAL ERROR: register_globals is disabled in php.ini, please enable it!"

because my host co. says register_globals OFF mode for security. They said we are not open it. You write some codes which to needs open register_globals. So I write "ini_set('register_globals','On');" this code for all oscommerce php file but still same error s comng. I am beginner level for php so I dont know how am I do? My host at Windows server. If osCommerce include a version about this error to remove please send me my this mail address or please send download link.


Thank you.


Best regards...

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Hello Dear osCommerce member;


I want use oscommerce my host but installation gives

"FATAL ERROR: register_globals is disabled in php.ini, please enable it!"

because my host co. says register_globals OFF mode for security. They said we are not open it. You write some codes which to needs open register_globals. So I write "ini_set('register_globals','On');" this code for all oscommerce php file but still same error s comng. I am beginner level for php so I dont know how am I do? My host at Windows server. If osCommerce include a version about this error to remove please send me my this mail address or please send download link.


Thank you.


Best regards...





You should be able to forces register globals on through your root .htaccess file


You need to add something like

php_flag register_globals on


should work.


42,600 search results for register globals oscommerce on google in 0.09 sec


So if you wish to look more just google it. :thumbsup:

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