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How can i add more feilds to the products table


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How can i add more fields to the products table and use it my website on the products detail page?


Also is there a way to get a diferent look and feel for each category and product page based on the product type or catergory?

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How can i add more fields to the products table and use it my website on the products detail page?


Also is there a way to get a diferent look and feel for each category and product page based on the product type or catergory?



1. Add fields to the products table in the database


2. Edit the categories.php file in the admin directory. Specifically make the add product and edit product parts of the page take your new db fields into consideration.


3. Edit the products_info.php. Add your new fields to the db calls calls and then place your new fields wherever you want them on the page.


That's the short form.. :wink:



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  • 3 years later...
1. Add fields to the products table in the database

2. Edit the categories.php file in the admin directory. Specifically make the add product and edit product parts of the page take your new db fields into consideration.

3. Edit the products_info.php. Add your new fields to the db calls calls and then place your new fields wherever you want them on the page.

That's the short form.. :wink:



Short indeed! This is not an answer to a "How To" question.

There is a contribution, I know, but it has as the first thing: "run this script in sql" without saying HOW this is done.

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