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I have not had too much trouble setting up my store so far. I added the Product Listing view change Contribution and it does not work like I was hoping. The first issue is it adds a black line at the bottom of each view. I found out it is a line of pixel_black.gif. There is no reference to this in the product_listings.php file. Also, when I change





case 'vertical':


$max_display_search_result = MAX_DISPLAY_SEARCH_RESULTS;




case 'side':


$max_display_search_result = MAX_DISPLAY_SEARCH_RESULTS;








case 'vertical':


$max_display_search_result = '4';




case 'side':


$max_display_search_result = '4' * 3;




my products end at the pixel line and do show up. If I do not change this, all products associated with a category show on one page. There no Result Pages: 1 2 3 [Next >>] or Displaying 1 to 12 (of 25 products). When I set the serach below the max # of products, they are cut off. Some of my categories have between 20-30 products. I want only 12 on a page. However, I like the thumbnail view better than the default oscommerce view. Has anyone used this contribution successfully? The thumnail view would be great if there were only 12 products a page and people could access the rest of the products. If anyone has an idea of the code I need to edit to reincorporate the Result Pages options to the contriibute please help.






Nevermind. I just couldn't find the right contribution. Well now I'm a sucker. The Column Product Listing contribution does the same thing, except it actually works. There are some small issues with that too, but it's just a matter of no border color.





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