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REQ: Can some one make an Suggestion Box function


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Some store owner don't want to custormer to post reviews in public for a lot of reasons.


I think suggestion box function is a good way to let visitors to send their suggestions or idea direct to the store without let everyone can view it.


here is the exsample from buy.com: (on every product information page, there is a suggestion box.)



Function Req:


1. allow every visitor to submit suggestion, no metter have account with store or not.


2. Auto submit customers information (ex: name) with their suggestion if he/she is logined.


3.we can start at one way contact (visitor -> store only). for 2 way contact (visitor <->store), if we can combine Private_Messages_v1.3 Contribution that will be nice.




hope some one can make it to be real.



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