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The e-commerce.

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seCret steVe

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Anybody out there in Spain?




By the way I've been to Spain (Rota and Palma) 3 times......nice place....got into a bit of trouble there though....nothing major........to save face I wont say what it was about.

Brandon Sweet

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Greetings , 35 year old based in Wales , no computer or web interest until around two years ago , I own a car audio store and started learning web design to get my online version of my store up and running with the aid of OSC because I hate paying people to do things I know I can do myself :wink:

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anybody close to Battle Creek Michigan??? USA


Grand Blanc Michigan here. Not real close, but in the same state. :)


Name: Alan Yost

Age: 31 (closing in on 32. 30's seem to be moving fater than my 20's)

Sex: Male


I'm a currently unemployed Network Administrator. I'm working on becoming self employed, which is why I'm here. I've been playing with osC for a few months now as I get my business all legal like. I do some IT consulting on the side and hopefully will do more so I can not worry about getting a new job and create one instead. :)


Here are some sites I've worked on or am working on:






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Name: Joan (not, I'm not a girl, is a Catalan name, the same than John in English :-)

Age: 27

Location: Barcelona, in Catalonia (nowadays inside two states: Spain and France)

I'm a biologist and I'm beginning a new period of my life as... ORGANIC FARMER! and I'm buildind a e-shop with OSC (www.delaterra.net)

I like lecture, nature, bike, sex, friends, games... My wife is called Meritxell (another Catalan name ;-) and don't like dogs at all (I'm frighten about them).






Ps. I've learnt English for many years, but I'm not very good on it yet :?[/img]

[email protected]


organic food in Catalonia

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real name: Will Mays

age: 17

location: Maitland, NSW, Australia


I am a student. Currently completing the HSC, but lately i have been dedicating more and more time to osCommerce -- purely due to the fact that it's more fun that studying. Next year i am doing my Network Engineering diploma at TAFENSW, and after that, who knows.


I love web designing etc, i am currently setting up an osCommerce store for a hydroponics company.

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I'm glad to introduce myself here.


Name: Abdul Jalil

City: Ampang

State: Selangor

Country: Malaysia


OSCommerce is used at CheapISO.com ( http://cheapiso.com ).


My other site namely FreebiesCafe.com is viewable at http://freebiescafe.com


:D Cheerio

Please give your rating on OSCommerce at FreebiesCafe.com, a search directory for free scripts, software, services and resources.

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  • 3 months later...

While we're at it.


David Thomson

30 Years Old

User Interface Designer, Careecast.com

Design Web Based Software Applications (5 years experience), actually made it through the dotbomb debacle in SF unscathed, stayed under the radar and now have 7 dead dotcoms under my belt, hurray for me. Luckily have a job still. (count my blessings every day)

Specialities: UI Design, Information Architecture, Ecommerce, Flash Development

Married, kids on the horizon


Projects from last 2 years:

http://bigredbow.net (osc)

http://srh.com (osc)

http://tomcoh.com/gd(web app)

http://tomcoh.com/rpc (web app)

http://tomcoh.com/rpc2 (web app)

http://tomcoh.com/frontier (web app)

http://cjrealty.careercast.com/texis/realSearch (web app)

http://careercast.com (corp)

http://tomcoh.com/novare (corp)

http://grasshoppersake.com (boutique)

http://tomcoh.com (art)

http://www.jdbphoto.com (art)

http://tomcoh.com/speed.nbci (portal)

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Well, you guys are making me feel old....Surely there are a few more in the over 40 crowd somewhere?


Name: Kim Elliott

Age: 45

Sex: Female

Location: Southern Oregon

Room mates: 14 assorted parrots, a dog and my SO of 12 years


I had no desire to even use a computer until about 5 years ago. I have been in sales most of my life....sold everything from vacuums to real estate and then got hooked on exotic birds. I decided I needed something I could do from home that was related to birds.


I bought a computer, taught myself HTML and put up my first web pages over New Years weekend 1999. Since then I have graduated from an easy to use commercial cart to wanting to be able to "do more". I found OSC in late 2001 and have been hooked on PHP ever since.

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I'm new around here, but I thought I'd chime in....


Name: Bryan

Age: 22

Location: Manhattan, KS

Occupation: Computer Science Dropout - Owner of Extreme Sports store - Paintball / Skateboards / Inline / BMX


I thought I wanted to be a programmer, then I realized I wasn't ready to grow up yet. So I started a store that allows me to play all the time. I highly recommend it! ;) Currently working having a good time working with OScommerce to adapt it to the stores (growing) needs.

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Name: Wayne Luke

Age: 32

Family: Wife, 3 kids, 2 dogs, 2 cats, 2 turtles, 11 fish and a bearded dragon.


I went to school for traditional programming in 1992-1995 learning C/C++, COBOL, Visual Basic and basic networking. In 1993, I learned about HTML and was interested. In 1994, put up my first websites. Been learning ever since.


Started working with PHP when we converted the forums at SitePoint from UBB to vBulletin in August 2000 and been having fun programming it. Currently I am the Community Administrator for SitePoint Pty. Ltd. (www.sitepoint.com) and provide customer support for Jelsoft's vBulletin product. Those two activities take up a majority of my time. However, I am slowly building up a small webhosting company catering to ecommerce for local businesses and hosting a few non-profit sites.

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I suppose I should jump in here...


Name: Joshua Dechant

Age: 19

Location: Music City USA

Occupation: University Student


I used to just sell on eBay, but recently sales have really slacked off on eBay and frankly the place is WAY to oversaturated with sellers and identical products. So I decided I'd open a webshop and see how that goes...


I found out about OSC about mid November while searching for an ASP based shopping cart. After comparing OSC to StoreFront 5.0, I was convinced to go with OSC (hey the price was right and IMO OSC offers more than StoreFront 5.0 :wink:). Since that time I've been customizing and configuring my shop, setting up my server, and getting everything ready to go live, pending completion of my site and approval of my FedTaxID, reseller certificate, reseller/wholesale/dropship account, and merchant account.


I think that is about all...

The only thing necessary for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing

- Edmund Burke

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I usually try to stay quiet, but I finally see how close everyone is here on this board. So here goes:


Name: Michael Busby

age : 25

Profession: Owner of a few Cellular Phone stores, Web/Graphic Designer/PHP/DB programmer, or atleast I try!!!

Status: Engaged with a dog =)

Location: New York


About me: I got into OSC/PHP about a year ago, and have kept real quiet while learning the php language. Currently I have been getting into e-Commerce more frequently and hope to lend a helping hand if needed. Ive been in the cellular phone business for about 7 years and currently have 6 stores and will be opening a 7th in Febuary. While I love playing sports (mainly Hockey & Soccer), I find it hard to make the time.


Im glad I learned about some of you and hope to hear from everyone in the future.



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Well everyone, I have only been using OSC for a few weeks but decided I will introduce myself as well.


Name: Ramesh

Age : 26

I Live in London , UK . Which is surprisingly mild for this time of year


Computer user since 1983 (someone asked me to choose a horse in a race and I chose the winner. I spent my share of the winnings on a Commodore VIC20 , not bad for an 7 yr old.)


Have not looked at horse names since !


Interests: Soccer, Tennis & Mountain biking on the roads of London .


Have been involved with the web since 1996 . A bit upset at the moment because my main domain is about to expire and the domain company are shut for the holiday season !


Going back to Argentinian style preferences, I have a deep tan (parents are from India) but no hair (Number Z-E-R-O) .

Is one out of two acceptable ? :- )


Hope everyone is having a peaceful holiday season.

Special Effects / 3d + Flash

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Name: Jon Toktas

Age: 22

Sex: Male

Location: Los Angeles


Just graduated from Univeristy of Southern California, so the "real" world is at my doorstep. I enjoy producing music, and whenever i have time i perform in the Los Angeles area.


I am trying to build an OScommerce site as an extension to our family store. Its been a lot of fun learning how to integrate all this stuff.


As for the OScommerce project, i have the utmost respect for the developers and the people that are just out helping and answering questions. OScommerce is giving that mom and pop shop the ability to be on the same footing as the "professional" sites. This is the internet used to its full potential.


i am working on getting an icon..... be patient :lol:

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Name: Steve

Age: 44 All you guys make me feel old.

Married with two stepdaughters and a grandson. And a dog!


I have been a locksmith and a bike mechanic for the last 20 years. I work for a small shop in Bremerton, WA, USA that is a full service bike shop and a full service locksmith. But, my real love is Woodworking, as you can tell by my avatar and signature. I got into computers about 10 years ago. Started learning HTML about 8 years ago. I had my own custom built computer business, but gave it up because of the big name giving computers away. I am self-taught on anything to do with a computer and I just love it.


I found OSC about 3 weeks ago. My wife and I were looking for an e-commerce solution that you didn't have to pay an arm and two legs for. And I saw a post on another forum, where by chance one of their admins where getting into a real heated discussion with Linda over OSC. Since then I am hooked. Before that I have had very little exposure to PHP, and have been using WYSIWYG editors for so long, I even have to re-learn HTML. I will post our site address at a later date. Opps, I am rambling.





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Name: Jim

Age: 32

Location: New Jersey, USA (no, it doesn't smell in the part of NJ I'm from :P )

Happily married with a 10 month old daughter and another child on the way!


I've worked in Information Technology for the last 11 or so years. I spent a couple of years as a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer/Trainer and taught most of the MCSE courses on a part time basis and did consulting the remainder of the time. I'm now working for a software development company with primary responsibilities as a Project Manager and secondary responsibilities as the Network Admin.


I got involved with OSC because my wife's cousin asked me to help him setup an e-commerce site for his products. I'm having a ball along the way because I am mostly an pencil-pusher and don't get to do too many hands-on things anymore...I usually have to find "fun" projects to do at home or at the office to keep from going insane over boring paperwork. I give help where I can in the forum to help me learn more about how it works.


I'd like to thank the core development team and the people who have contributed to this project and the forum. It's truly a fantastic product!

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I'm gonna join you two next year ...getting 40 and :twisted:

Name: Tom

Location: Ljubljana, Slovenia (not Slovakia ...)

Happily divorced :twisted:


Still learning to speak (and write) english, HTML, PHP and so on...and trying to make some bucks out of that. My first (computer) love is Photoshop and my new love is oscommerce.

If any of you guys ever come to our country drop me a line so we can drink a beer or six and say a word about oscommerce maybe :)



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well im new also here but kind of active the last 2 months


name : Philippos ioannou

sex : like 2 times a week :P

i meant male

location : nicosia cyprus ,a little beautiful island in the eastern medditerenean sea


interests: basketball, online gaming and hanging out


favorite sites






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Ok, ok. Well, I have been extremely busy lately, and haven't visited the forums in a few days. See, look what happens. Neglect osC for a couple days and end up on page 5 of the post. :? Anyways,


Name: Chris

Age: Almost 20

Location: Atlanta, GA, USA

Status: Engaged, and living with my beautiful fiance, as well as 2 white, full bread Chinese Chows.

Career by day: Georgia State University student (Going for an MBA)......Big screen specialist and supervisor at Best Buy......web developer for those few jobs (Working on 3 osC shops)......and on top of that, I sell audio/video equipment for homes and cars. I AM AN EXTREMELY BUSY GUY!!!!


I have been using osCommerce for a couple of months now, and am still struggling. The system is nice, but when you are trying to completely redesign the entire front end with no PHP or SQL experience...OUCH! Oh well, I am having fun learning.....

Chris Sullivan

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