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Ok, on the main pages, there's a graphic missing in the line with the title. I've looked everywhere and can't find where to change the graphic (to a spacer graphic). So, I'm getting the x box (missing graphic). The alt tag is the same as the title.


I can see that the default images show up on the product and checkout pages. The graphics start with table_ground_nnnn.gif


This is making me crazy. Here's the link: http://thesurprisepartybox.com/store/catal...ex.php?cPath=23




file is in catalog/includes/modules/product_listing.php do a search for shopping cart then go back a bit you will find where image bit is and just simply remove it


i think you can upload the image whilst putting the the category - so go to admin and edit the category and upload an image, if you dont want an image there - upload a transparent gif


It's NOT on the product pages. It's next to the page title, in this case, "our offerings". When I look at the source via the browser, I can see it's because it's not defined it says images/ and there's nothing after it.


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