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The e-commerce.

Need urgent help with folders/categories


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Is there any way to make categories that contain nothing In Stock be hidden from the customer?


Example: Say that I have a webshop that sells clothes, but I don't have any children's size clothes yet; I do have products in the categories, but nothing is in stock, so I want to hide the category/folder from the customers without deleting it.


Is there any way to do that..? I don't want to lose anything I have in stock, but I do want my site to look a little more professional.

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Once your product is set at 0 it will not show in your catalog until you add product of 1 or more.



Is there any way to make categories that contain nothing In Stock be hidden from the customer?


Example: Say that I have a webshop that sells clothes, but I don't have any children's size clothes yet; I do have products in the categories, but nothing is in stock, so I want to hide the category/folder from the customers without deleting it.


Is there any way to do that..? I don't want to lose anything I have in stock, but I do want my site to look a little more professional.

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