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Changing Category "->" to something cooler


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Alrighty, so I'm a total noob and I can't figure what in categories.php edits the default "->" when a category has more than one subcategory. I'd like to do one of three things: change it to a 5x5px picture, change it to " >", or failing all that figure out if there's a contribution that changes everything to those ubiquitous "plus" and "minus" boxes.


So new it hurts,


Ben Hartel


P.S. If there's already a line of questioning like this and you know it could you point me there? I looked and I don't even know if I'm phrasing what I'm asking correctly.

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locate the includes/header.php file


search for "»" which is the code for ">>"


Change it to whatever


Actually I'm cool with the ">>" in header_php, its the "->" you get in the Category Box in the column_left.php (includes/boxes/categories.php).


Check out the Categories box on the site I'm working on (Athens-> is an example of what I'm trying to change)





Thanks for the input

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Update for those who want to know. It's line 42 in (includes/boxes/categories.php). You just gotta take the "-&gt" out. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction them funky characters are slippery.


Thanks for the help.

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