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Free shipping by categories


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Does anyone know how to prevent the list of categories (not the title) appearing on the checkout page and invoice.


As I have a few categories that I allow Free shipping from it makes the page look very busy.

Its fine on the shipping page, but dont really want it on the invoice or checkout.





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I haven't started a topic for it so you've done it, right.


Your question - generally - no, this is the same text taken from $module->title and it's can be changed only on all places at once. You can think of something tricky here but will have to code it yourself.

Edited by kit
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hmmm, how about:


1) A (configurable) option to only show the first x characters of $module->title ?


2) To split the one variable of text + category names into two variables that are joined? Or someway of not requiring cat_names to be displayed.


3) Some other clever option....


I managed to split of the cats by removing the variable cat_names, but then the page after failed as it was ecpecting that variable to be passed....


umm, I need to learn php.. :)



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  • 4 months later...

This is a very useful contrib.


I'm using this as i want the users to be able to order samples and not to charge them delivery. It only gives them the option of free shipping if everything in their basket is within a specific category. But it then goes to the payment page and still asks them for their credit card details.


Is there any quick way of doing the same thing on the payment page, where if they've only ordered from the specific category, that they could choose the appropriate option so they won't have to type in their cc number, then this gets omitted when they order something from a different category; basically working exactly the same as the delivery method.


I think this is the only thing that's missing from an otherwise excellent contrib.

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  • 3 weeks later...



I have this contribution installed but I have the same problem as the previous poster suggested.

If the customer happens to buy a product that qualifies for free shiping together with others that don't, they get a free shipping for all.


How can this be fixed?

Many Thanks

Edited by plamenski
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  • 6 months later...

Having the same issues, which makes this contribution useless when products from selected free categories are purchased with products that do not qualify for free shipping.


I'm not a php coder, so it would be great if someone could pick up the ball on this one. There doesn't seem to be any other contribution out there to handle the exclusion of certain products from free shipping.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...



I just installed this wonderful contrib. It works fine expept for one thing.


I made the follwing setup:


Deduct shipping weight if Mixed Cart : No

All or One : One

Only or Any : Only


So the idea is to get free shipping for baskets containing only products from the selected categories. Right?


Although, the problem is I do have only products from the selected categories in my basket, but there is no Free shipping available. I get free shipping when selecting "Any" for Only or Any setting, but this of course will alow free shipping for baskets containing also products not from the selected categories only. Any ideas?


Thanks for your help.


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  • 1 month later...

I have installed and configured the free shipping by categories with Google Checkout compatibility added by redearthdesign. Everything seems good, but in the shipping options under the Google Checkout module, it says "Free Shipping freecats not configured!"


Any thoughts?

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  • 1 year later...

I've downloaded this contribution to check it out. It was downloaded to my hard drive. But now I am trying to delete it, but keep getting the same error. The desktop image is below.





Any help in removing this from hard drive would be appreciated. Thanks.



Edited by blr044
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I've downloaded this contribution to check it out. It was downloaded to my hard drive. But now I am trying to delete it, but keep getting the same error. The desktop image is below.





Any help in removing this from hard drive would be appreciated. Thanks.




Use proper FTP client like FileZilla FTP Client

Please read this line: Do you want to find all the answers to your questions? click here. As for contribution database it's located here!

8 people out of 10 don't bother to read installation manuals. I can recommend: if you can't read the installation manual, don't bother to install any contribution yourself.

Before installing contribution or editing/updating/deleting any files, do the full backup, it will save to you & everyone here on the forum time to fix your issues.

Any issues with oscommerce, I am here to help you.

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