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The e-commerce.

Can't see the prices!!


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First post and first time using osc. Please bare with me.


I've added products to my catalog via the admin options. I've entered the prices and whatever discriptions necessary. I click on 'preview' and all looks great. After it's updated i move onto the next item to add.


The problem.

When I do a test purchase from my store no prices are showing up on the screen. It shows the price as $0 for each item.

As I carry on through the whole check-out procedure the bottom line total is still $0.

I confirm the order.

I get the email confirmation. No prices shown; just $0.

Then I go into 'customers' -> "orders' and find the order i just placed and click on 'invoice' or 'edit' and neither is showing the price; just $0.


I've read all that I can find on the 'products' or 'price' subjuct in my Documentation file. there is a section that refers to disabling prices and removing catalog prices. I've confirmed that the code in my currencies.php file is as originally set - not the way they suggest changing it to remove the prices.


Am I looking in the wrong place? Very frustrated. :angry:


Thanks for your help in advance.


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